Chapter 14: The Fourth Phase

Start from the beginning

"Okay then will the first person step out" the lady announced. Hisoka walked out. After that, people started going out one by one.

"Okay then I'll see you guys in the Fifth Phase" said Gon.

"Take care guys" said Kurapika.

"Do your best and we'll meet in 4 days" Leorio said.

"See ya" Killua said.

"We'll meet again in 4 days until then stay strong" I said. Soon the only people who were left were me and two other people.

"Okay next please" I nodded and walked in the forest. Straight away someone attacked me with a blade. I dodged it and ran after the person. The person gasped and started running. I caught up to them and kicked them in the head.

"Next time be careful" I said and took his card.

After that I walked about 50 meters and someone attacked me. I sighed.

"This is gonna be a long 4 days" I said. I mean look. Who wouldn't try to attack a lonely 12 year old girl?


In about 1 hour I was attacked 6 times. I already got 9 points so I was just wondering around doing nothing. To narrow down my opponents in the next phase I started attacking everyone I see and taking their cards. By the end of the day, I had already collected about 20 cards. Which means I had 23 points.

"This phase is going too smoothly for me. It's almost boring" I said. Then I saw the triplets with Killua.

"Yo!" I said and walked up to them.

"Oh Y/N wassup?" said killua.

"Are you done? Or do you need my help?" I said and smirked.

"No way" he said. I felt someone strangle me from behind.

"K-Killua! If you value your friends life, give us our cards" one of the triplets said. Killua threw the cards. He smirked at him and me.

"Unfortunately, I don't value her life" said killua. Then he turned to me.

"Hey I threw your target Y/N! What are you gonna do?" He said. The guy behind me tried to crush me but I elbowed him in the stomach and got out of his grip. I looked at Killua who was giving me a dumb smirk.

"Fortunately, I already have 23 points" I said and smirked.

"Wow what a coward" said Killua.

"What?" I asked angrily.

"Instead of going to the strong people you targeted the weak. Which makes you a coward!" He said and pointed his finger at me.
"Hmph! They were the ones who attacked me" I said.

"Well anyways I got to go" I continued. "I'm gonna find something to eat" I walked.

"So what?" He said and walked the other way.

After that nothing really interesting happened. I just wandered around the forest beating people up and eating that's pretty much it.


Today was the final day. There was about half an hour left. I started walking towards the meeting point. Once I reached there I sat down and waited for the rest to come. After about 5 minutes Killua walked in.

"Yo" he said.

"Have you seen the others?" I asked.

"No" he said and sat next to me. After a while the trio came. They walked over to us and smiled.

"So how was it?" Kurapika asked. Everyone started saying how it went. They looked at me.
"Did you find your target Y/N?" Asked Gon.

"No. Thanks to a certain someone" I said glaring at Killua." But I got my points" I continued.

"Ah that's good" said Kurapika.

"I also got extras" I said and picked my shirt up. They all stared as cards started to fall out.

"Wow! You got all that!" Said leorio.

"Yeah. I counted them a while ago. They were at least 45 points" I said and smiled. Then the lady came up to us.

"Congratulations on passing the fourth phase!" She said. "The following candidates passed:
Hisoka, Hanzo, Pokkle, Podoro, Gitarakurr, Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Killua, YN and (random person. We need them for the line up for the final phase)" She announced.

"You will all be taking the Hunter Association aircraft to the exam point" She said.

After that we all went on the aircraft. Netero-san and the other examiners walked in and started speaking.

"First of all I commend you on your hard work. It is quite rare for us to have 7 rookies out of 11. The final exam would be in 3 days time so I suggest you get some rest" Netero-san said.

"Wait but what is the final exam?" Asked Leorio.

"It's...A....Secret" he said and laughed as they all walked out.


Thanks for reading. Feel free to give me feedback if it's not to your liking. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.
Next chapter:
-Final Phase part 1
Bye bye

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