Chapter 4 - It's Not A Game

Start from the beginning

"Prince Thorin," Dania said, her voice reeking of embarrassment as she waved her hand shyly at him.

"What are you doing here, Dania?" he asked, a small smile making its way onto his red, sweat-soaked face, managing to take her off guard yet again. She looked down at her hands to hide her blushing face, but the prince saw her burning cheeks, and his own embarrassment grew. 

"I — I was . . . I, er . . . I thought I heard someone crying," Dania said, blurting out the first thing that popped into her head. She furrowed her brows upon hearing herself speak. I am such a fool, she cursed herself. 

"Dania, why are you really here?" He asked her with a smirk on his face. She sighed, knowing she could — nor should — not lie to him.

"I came in here so that I could teach myself how to fight," she admitted with a shrug.

"Why?" he questioned. He did not seem mad, just curious.

"Because — I want to be able to stand up for myself," she told him. "You know if — if something else happens like last night . . ." she said, attempting to sound confident, though the mere memory of the incident made her shiver. 

The prince's face darkened as he clenched his fists, but he remained silent. 

"Who wants to teach a girl, right?" Dania said with a bitter laugh. "I have to do it myself."

The anger that had been boiling beneath the surface was replaced with amusement — but also admiration — as he heard her. "You want to learn how to fight all by yourself?"

The hint of amusement in his voice made Dania want to cower away. "Yes?"

Then he laughed. Laughed. Mahal, if he was not a prince, or if she had not been so desperately in awe of him, she would have given him a piece of her mind. Instead, she tried to act as though his behaviour meant nothing to her.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked.

He cleared his throat, still laughing slightly. "Because," he said, "that's funny."

The urge to cower away came back with a vengeance.

"Anyway," Dania said. "I am sorry for disturbing you, My Lord. I will take my leave now," she said.

Dania started to walk away but then felt him grab her arm. She turned around and looked at him questioningly.

"No stay," he said, making her confusion grow. "I can teach you."

"Really?" she asked, trying not to sound too excited. "Or are you just making fun of me again?"

"I am not making fun of you," he said. "I never was. I am sorry if I offended you. I only meant to say that it was amusing that you thought you could learn to master a sword by yourself. You need a teacher."

Dania could not hide her disappointment, for she knew he was right and knew no one would teach her. But then she saw him staring at her as though he awaited an answer. Smiling slightly at him, finally understanding, she took a step closer. She could feel his hot breath on her face and had to fight the urge not to run her fingers across his chest.

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