Chapter 2 - Help Much Needed, But Not Wanted

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Chapter 2 - Help Much Needed, But Not Wanted

Sitting on a hard wooden chair, Dania meticulously dipped her quill in the black ink before carefully tracing over the worn-out lines on the parchment. As she had put all the maps away, she had realized that a great deal of the maps had become practically illegible. The next morning she had gladly begun to work on that problem.

It had been weeks since Dania had begun this task, and she found herself enjoying it, much more than she enjoyed having to listen to Gerth's constant rabbling about everything and anything. She felt rather at peace with her mind focused on the delicate precision required for the task. Her mind wandered not, staying focused on each small jet of the ink set on the parchment by the light pressure of the quill. Hours passed with nought but the soft movements of hand and wrist moving about the different words and lines, the only sound grounding her to the hard bench being the wooden floor cracking beneath the weight of the table. Dania heard the ring of the bell a few times as customer's opened the door and passed through its crooked frame, but they bothered her not, only seeking the advice of one whom they believed could be trusted. Unlike, perhaps, an outsider like her.

When the bright afternoon sky turned to mellow orange and pink, Dania stood and cleaned her workspace. Looking out through the gaping holes that served as windows, she saw men and women greeting each other in the marketplace, exchanging pleasantries before moving on back home to their loved ones. Thinking of this, she stood and grabbed her things before heading towards the door. Informing Gerth that she was done for the day, she turned to open the door, but someone on the other side did so before her.

"Dís?" she said breathlessly as she took in the features of the beautiful dwarrowdam standing before her. She was clad in a beautiful gown as blue as the night sky and wore small jewels that shone like stars in her soft beard.

"Dania!" She beamed before engulfing her closest friend in a tight embrace.

"What— How?" Dania said with a wide smile.

"My brother told me you'd be here," she explained.

"Frerin?" Dania said in confusion.

"No, silly," Dís said with a small laugh, then gestured to someone behind her. "Thorin!"

Dania leaned toward her left and saw him standing behind her friend, looking as serious as ever. she could not help but feel a slight jolt of excitement as she thought of him talking about her— even if it was simply to inform his sister of her whereabouts. He nodded in her direction as he caught her gaze, and she gave him a small shy smile in return, quickly turning back to Dis before her eyes could meet his once more.

"It's been so long!" Dania said.

"Too long," she nodded before grabbing Dania's arm.

They slowly began to make their way back through the emptying streets as the darkness began to set in. It felt good to talk to her again, and it rather felt as if not a day had gone by without the two of them being together— as it had once been. Thorin stayed silent behind them, making Dania think that he had only accompanied his sister to protect her, though from what she was not sure. Sooner than she had hoped, Dís stopped in front of a larger stone house, whose windows were emitting a comforting, orange glow, warmly welcoming the inhabitants home after a long day.

"I will ask my father to allow me more free time so that I may see you more often, Dania," she said as she held Dania's hands. "I don't think I can wait this long again to speak with you."

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