• 8 • The Haunting Memory • 8 •

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Clarissa, Veronica and Victor sat at the booths talking to Mama Lodge who was shock to see her babies with a Blossom. "Mom this is our new friend, Clarissa Blossom," Victor says holding Clarissa's hand for comfort as she was anxious knowing all too well of Hiram Lodge. And the feud between him and her father.

"Its so nice to meet you Mrs Lodge," Clarissa says so soft and quiet, you could barely hear. Hermione was shock to say the less.

"Well its nice to meet you as well, Clary," Hermione didnt know how to feel that her kids were around a Blossom but Clarissa seemed nice. And sweet, everything Victor had described her as.

Hermione took an order to someone who waited in a booth. "You're doing great mom," Victor smiles, Clary quietly sitting between the siblings, swaying on the chair. She sway her feet back and forth like a little kid. Pop walked over handed her on a cherry shake.

"Thank you..."

She began to drink making Victor chuckle at her childish actions. "Better than me this week..." Mumbles Veronica. Clary smiled sadly putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, we're surviving, Ronnie, Vic, by our wits thats what we Lodges do. If your guys father could see us."

"He says you look stunning in that new uniform," Veronica smiles. Clary liked the way their family talked so sweetly to each other, she frowned thinking of her own family. They burned her paintings, they took Jason! No they forced Jason away! They ruined everything before she knows it. They'll ruin her and Cheryl. Though she was positive, they have already ruined her. Cheryl still had chance, she always did.

In that moment Archie walked wearing his leather men jacket. Clarissa's eyes widen, a flashback of her, Jason, and Cheryl sitting down at Pops in a booth eating, laughing and being siblings. She gasped coming back. "Clary what's wrong?" Asks Victor as he held Clarissa's hand.

"Jason..." She whimpered looking at Archie.

"No its Archie, Jason's gone, Clary," Clarissa looked to Victor hurt, she stood up and ran out of Pops in tears and left Victor hurt, and everyone else confused.

• • • • •

Clarissa loved going to school in Riverdale than leaving to some private school with her older twin siblings, Cheryl and Jason Blossom. The golden children of the family. Clarissa was the black sheep. She liked hanging with people than her own family unless you were talking of Jason and Cheryl. And this year, Jason and Cheryl would been joining her at Riverdale High.

It was strange to not be the only Blossom at school for Clarissa. It was already hard for her and now it was 10 times harder. It was harder than hard. It was unbearable.

Clarissa was in art class when Mrs Rose called her up to her desk leaving everyone to rumors. "Clarissa youre parents..."

"please dont let them take me out. Art is my life, even ask Jason and Cheryl - they'll tell you all about paintings and sketches." Clarissa pleaded to Mrs Rose. Art was her everything, its what keep her going with life besides her friend and siblings of course.

"I guess you can, now tell me more about your paintings," Mrs Rose smiled making Clarissa grin. After class, Jason, Cheryl and Clarissa at their red table which stood out from all the other tables. This table was meant for Blossoms only.

"I have news," says Jason as Cheryl took a bite of her salad and Clarissa sat quietly pocking at her her food.

"Yes JJ?"

"I'm dating someone," he smiles.

"Congrats JJ, who's the luck town girl?"

"Polly Cooper..."

The name caused Cheryl to spit her water and Clarissa look up with wide eyes and her mouth dropped. A Cooper with a Blossom - why that was troublesome as the Wealsey Twins in Harry Potter. No it was worse, the Coopers and Blossoms hated each other with burning passions. Even though, Clarissa was friends with Betty since kindergarten.

"What did you say?"

"Polly Cooper..."

But before either of the twins could say anything. Clarissa stepped in. "She's a really good girl, she's perfect for Jason. I'm friends with her younger sister, Betty," says Clarissa shyly playing with her sleeves.

"Not you too," Cheryl groans.

• • • • •

It wasn't easy going home for Clarissa, the thought of her parents and Cheryl. She quietly sneaks to her room before her parents realize she's home. She sits down and her world crashes. Jason was gone, he was goner than gone. And she didnt want to realize it, but she couldn't be in denial after the fact she saw his corpse in the autopsy.

She began to cry and cry and cry until her heart was swelled with emotions of Jason. How could Cheryl not break down yet? Cause Cheryl's a Blossom and Blossoms don't cry, Clarissa reminded herself. Clarissa was far from the Blossom, she was born into. Then who was she?

She didn't know and clearly no one else did either. She puts out the white rose, that Victor got her and sat it in a vase next to her bed. Her room wasnt like Jason's or Cheryl's with hardly any windows and it wasn't all dark and black on the inside. In fact her room was a blood red cause every wall was either black or red in Thorn Hill. The window laid on her right side where now sat the white rose. Shining in with the sunshine, normally. But not now with the day ending and how she spend it?

Crying cause the haunted memory of her dead brother. Pathetic her father would say right now if he was here. There's a beep from her phone, curious she looks at it. Its from Victor and Veronica.

Victor Lodge

Clarissa, I'm sorry for earlier - I was going to harsh on you, you did just lose someone. And I have to remember that before I go running my mouth. Please forgive me, Ronnie is already worrying about losing Betty. We don't want to lose you too.

Veronica Lodge

Clary, I'm sorry for my brother's manners. Both of us are still learning how to the good people we want to be, and if you want us out of your life then we'll do so but we're still here for you.

Over come with emotions, Clarissa isn't too sure how to feel. She feels guilt, ashameful and stupidity. She was guilty cause she made them feel bad for her patheticness. Ashameful cause she isn't a Blossom, no matter what anyone says. She isn't worthing of the Blossom name. And stupidity for thinking she could be strong for Jason. She failed him and Cheryl...

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