•1• Jason •1•

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(For here on out, please ingore the tattoos)

The summer was simple and easy going for the Blossom Siblings especially the twins as they spend every day encouraging​ their sister for her art. The art she spent years doing, she loved her art - she separated her from her rude snobby parents. And their evil ways.

Until on Fourth of July, Jason went up to Cheryl who sat with Clarissa in her art room. Paintings and drawings hung everywhere. Paint on wood, canvas still drying from days before. "I want to leave Riverdale," says Jason to his sisters. Cheryl turns, wide eyed, gasping. Clarissa in the middle of her picture, she drops her paint brush in shock and her heart broke.

"What? Why Jason? Was it mommy and daddy? What's wrong?" Cheryl was the first to speak after the tenseful silence. Clarissa feared the worst but knew she would support Jason in any way.

"No it's just, I'm tried of things here in Riverdale - I want more, more freedom - I want to get out of Riverdale where mom nor dad can find me," Jason walking to the window looking down at where their parents talked in the rose graden. Jason sighed looking back at his sisters who watched his very move. "I know it's hard, it's hard for me, but Cheryl, Clarissa, I need your help." He looks at them with a pleading look. "Please help me."

Clarissa and Cheryl barely shared a glance and they both knew their answers. "We'll help you," they say together. Jason smiles

"Thank you!"

"But how do we seek you out of Riverdale?" Asks Clarissa giving her doe eye look to her brother. Her doe eye look made everyone melt.

Jason smiled, and that how the plan of Jason's death came.

• • • • •

Cheryl and Clarissa ready themselves for a river ride down Sweet Water River. Which they would ride with Jason and plan out his "death." Clarissa put on her best white dress, it laced up her arms and laced from her waist down. Her chest laced as well. Her heels as red as blood. Her and Cheryl's outfits also matching expect Cheryl's was more fancy.

Jason talked with their parents about the boating. "Cheryl?" Clarissa calls to her sister looking in the mirror looking at herself and wondering what people saw in her. Her red curls matched her family's, her snow skin match the snowflakes in winter. But her green hazel eyes held pain and........loneliness.

"Yes baby sister?" Cheryl walked next to her and looked into the mirror looking at her baby sister. The same soft curls and beautiful eyes.

"Why does mother and father have to tear this family apart?" She asks holding back sobs. She and Cheryl both knew she meant the small family of the three of them.

"I don't know, Clarissa​, but remember we're doing this to help Jason, then when you turn of age, we'll go join - we'll leave everything in Riverdale behind," Cheryl taking her sister's hand. "I promise." Clarissa smiled softly squeezing her hand in thanks.

"Now shall we?" Cheryl asks holding out her arm.

"We shall," Clarissa smiles as they looped arms. The Blossom twins were one thing but the Blossom sisters was a whole another set of trouble. Well Cheryl was, Clarissa was too sweet and kind to cause others trouble.

They walked down the stairs, proud and smiling. Jason waited for them at the door, smiling. He openly had the door open for them.

"Thank you Jason," they smile walking out. He nods smiling. They hope into his red Chevy Impala. Cheryl is front with Jason and Clarissa in the back. All elegant and graceful.

They walked out once upon Sweet Water River. Clarissa and Cheryl looked at Jason. "Are you scared?" Cheryl asks looking at her brother then to her sister. Jason shook his head with a silent smile. Clarissa shook her head with a quiet no.

They got into the boat with Clarissa and Cheryl in front. Jason pushing them out to the river, gentle. Everytime went good as to plan. They made it to the another side. Where Cheryl and Clarissa said goodbye to Jason. He promised to call once he made it safely to a town nearby. Clarissa held back tears and sobs knowing this was best for Jason, he didn't want to be held in Riverdale by their parents. And she and Cheryl needed to let him go free.

"You'll once or as soon as you get to a phone?" Asks Cheryl stern and though Jason was the older twin - in that moment Clarissa knew Cheryl felt like the parent as she was letting her soulmate go - to be free. And that took true courage.

"Yes I promise, I'll call you Cheryl as soon as I can get a phone and when I call, make sure Clarissa is there - two in one call," Jason says confirming.

"We'll miss you, Jason," Clarissa's voice cracked, made Jason smile sad.

"I'll miss you both so much," they all hugged, Clarissa didn't want to let go. But she had to for their plan to work for Jason.

Cheryl and Clarissa headed to the boat, Clarissa had tears now. Jason began to walk away, at each stick snap - Clarissa flinched. They got in, Cheryl now rolled the boat, with a teary eyed Clarissa in front.

"I know it's hard, but we have to stay strong for Jason," says Cheryl as they rode down the river. Their plan would be coming up real soon.

"I know."

They continued to go down, when they hit rocky waters. Clarissa gripped on to the boat - this wasn't planned. They waved side to side and back and forth making her and Cheryl sick. "This wasn't apart of the part!" Yelps Clarissa.

"I can't control it," Cheryl hisses as they hit a huge wave making the boat flip and they scream falling in. Clarissa's vision and lungs were dizzy and burned. Waters blocked her view, she struggled in the water. She gasped for air.


"Clarissa? Clarissa!"

"What do we do now?" Gasps Clarissa as she coughed up water, the waves all rocky and rough. Their boat had crashed to land like they planned. It was perfect.

"Let's swim to those rocks and wait for someone to find us," she says. Clarissa nods as they swam through the tough waves. They rest on the rock, their clothes now soaked and their makeup ruined. They shivered getting for someone to find them. That's when they heard someone walking, they turned and saw boy scouts.

"Jason....." They whimpered. Their parents were called and they're saved. The police searched the whole river for Jason's body as they had lied and said Cheryl dropped her glove and Clarissa had dropped her bracelet - the matching one to her necklace. Jason dropped into the water and died.

Clarissa and Cheryl knew their brother was from death, but little did they know Jason wouldn't be calling them anytime soon.....

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