•4• The Good, The Bad and The Blossom? •4•

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Cheerleading was a big thing for the Blossom Sisters but sadly for Clarissa she would missing most of the tryouts. But she had art business to take care of. She walked to her art class where Ms Rose J. waited for her. "Ms Rose?" She poked her head in.

"Ah Clary please come in, come," Ms Rose says waving her in. Her normal always had paint on them, always like Clarissa at home which her parents hated. "I have a very important thing for you."

"For me?"

"Yes you, you're very talent when comes to Art, I've even heard you hum and quietly sing," smirks Ms Rose at the girl's blushing young face of embrassment. "When you paint or draw, you tell a story in your on form like actors do when they are acting out a play or movie - even the TV shows tell a story, it's just longer. And Clary when you tell stories, it's amazing - people just connect. It's a true gift."

"Thank you Ms Rose," blushes Clarissa fiddling with her shirt ends. She was so generous, the way she blushed if someone even acknowledged her art. Or when she was center of attention.

"Which is why I want you try for this," Ms Rose hands her a flyer. Clarissa looked it and it read Ever wanted to take a career for the arts, we accepting teens before college to let teens in the arts to see how it's done in College and for their Careers. Next Summer will be our first try of this. Clarissa looked at Ms Rose wide eyed. "Exciting I know right? When I saw it, I just knew you had to try out."

"But Ms Rose my parents, they-"

"I know perfectly well of your parents, but Clarissa in life people are gonna come and go, even family," she looked down sad at this making Clarissa curious. " But that's how it is, and your parents may not support you but I know a lot of your friends who do and so does Cheryl. And..... So did Jason."

Clarissa knew Jason supported her very much if he were here, he tell take the damn try - and she would. "Alright I'll give it thinking," she responded with a soft voice. Ms Rose grinned and nodded.

"Great! Wonderful even, you'll go for sure I know it," claps Ms Rose with a smile so bright even the sun looked dull. Clarissa wondered why Ms Rose so alone, she had to have family. But she never talked of them. No pictures.

"Ms Rose, I dont mean to be nosey or rude but-"

"Yes Clary?"

Clarissa sucked in a breathe and let it out shakely. "Why don't you talk of your family?"

Ms Rose froze. She sighed sitting down, Clarissa sat across from her. "You see Clarissa growing up in Riverdale was different for me and my brother, he's was handful. It was kind of like Yin Yang. He's dark and I was Light." Ms Rose chuckles with no humor. "He was a troublemaker. And I always got him out of it, our parents never cared - they were too busy with their gang."

"I'm sorry, what happened to your brother?"

"He, well he just drifted from me after meaning the love of his life after moving out, he kind of forgot about me. I haven't seen or talk to him in awhile. I did get to meet my niece and nephew, I miss them so much," a tear ran down Ms Rose's cheek making Clarissa's heart arch for her teacher. She was so sad and haven't seen her family in so long.

"I'm sure one day you all be reunited," grinned Clarissa always see things in a different view. She was the type of person to see things like her glass is half full.

"Thank for confort, Clary now I believe you have cheerleader tryouts to get to," Ms Rose reminds the forgetful girl as realization hit her.

"The cheerleading tryouts, I need to go," panic Clarissa grabbing her things. "I will definitely think about, thank you, uh bye!" And with that Clarissa booked it out the door to the gym where the River Vixens tryouts are. Ms Rose chuckled watching the young girl ran so fast. That girl was real something.

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