chapter 6: Ring Around the Rosie

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11:11 a.m. Thursday, March 24

Since receiving Delilah's cryptic text about running away to marry Samuel, Carney was unmoored. Delilah was always there for her. She was the one steady presence Carney could count on.

Carney was determined to find out what had happened to her friend, she wasn't going to leave Samuel's office until he told her what was going on. 

Not this time. 

She waited in the hallway patiently until finally his towering personal assistant slash body guard left his post.

As she threw herself into Samuel's office she realized that she didn't have a plan. It was when she saw Samuel sitting calmly behind his massive desk, something snapped in her.

Everything was fine before Delilah met him.

This was all his fault. 

She thought as she  took a running leap over his desk and wrapped her hands firmly around his neck.

Carney heard a loud clap. Then time froze.

Aggie, Samuel's sister, stood up, and pulled Carney off Samuel leaving her frozen body on the desk, "Sammy dear, what do you do to these humans that insights such aggression in them?"

Samuel rubbed his neck, "She's Delilah's mate."

"Bloody hell, if that witch doesn't cause even more problems banished than when she worked down the hall," said Aggie.

Georgie, Samuel's other sister, walked around Carney's body, "Poor poppet, she does love dear Delilah. She's really worried about her. I can smell it."

"That's just alcohol and desperation. Delilah was nothing more than her pet," said Aggie.

"Why do you mock her? She's really lost at sea this one," said Georgie.

"Samuel, we don't have time for this nonsense, you need to get this human out of here. Now, before mother catches word of this," said Aggie.

"What would you have me do with her? Toss her out the window?" asked Samuel.

Aggie walked over to Samuel took his face in her hands, "As a somewhat attractive immortal witch who has used his charms to seduce kings, I think you can handle a petulant spoiled trust fund brat with ease."

"She's Delilah's best friend, Sammy can't do that," interjected Aggie.

Aggie released Samuel's face straighten her skirt, "Georgie, let's leave Sammy to clean up this mess."

Aggie stood up, "She's really hurting. Delilah means the world to her."

"Why don't you tell her she's on a nice sabbatical with the Brujas. I'm sure forty days and nights in the woods with Honey and her crazy lot will do Delilah a world of good," said Aggie.

Samuel stood up placed his hands on his desk and said, "I can't stand your incessant chattering. Leave. Now. I will deal with this."

Aggie walked towards the door, with her hand on the door knob she turned to Samuel, "You better dear brother because if you don't you know what is waiting for you. And don't think for a second, that mother is going to let you out so quickly this time because you know she won't."

Georgie stood up and yelled, "Aggie just shut the bloody hell up! Seriously, always blathering on about mother and making threats. It's all getting so rather tedious."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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