chapter four : Coffee, Tea or Death

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8:59 a.m. Tuesday, February 24

The coffee house off Michigan Avenue was packed with office workers and tourists all waiting for their individually brewed coffee in front of the steep reclaimed dark wooden counters. Samuel sat at a table in the corner of the coffee house with its cement floors and stainless steel walls. He watched as the Baristas lined up the clear glass coffee pots and white coffee cups and carefully poured the hot water over the precious coffee grounds.

Samuel tracked Wolf as he lumbered over to the table carrying a messenger bag. He looked Samuel in the eye as he reached into his bag, pulled out a silver gun, pointed it at Samuel and pulled the trigger.

In a flash of a Nano-second, Samuel stood up splayed his arms and closed his eyes as the bullet flew at him and stopped at his chest. The bullet hovered in front of his heart, as everyone stood motionless. The coffee house was a frozen tableau of Baristas pouring water and patrons with coffee cups perched right to their lips. Samuel blinked and the bullet fell to the ground, landing on the table and then rolling off it onto the floor. Samuel bent down and picked up the bullet and put it into his pocket. He walked around the table and took the gun out of Wolf's motionless hand, emptied the bullets placing them into his pocket. Samuel then threw the gun into a nearby garbage can. When he was satisfied, that Wolf was properly disarmed, he snapped his fingers and all activity in the coffee house commenced.

Wolf's arm was still hanging in the air without the gun in his hand he looked like a little boy using his hand as a pretend gun. Samuel sat back down, picked up his coffee cup and took drink like nothing had happened. As Wolf realized that he was no longer holding his gun, confused he looked around the coffee house, then back at Samuel.

"If you quite finished coming in here guns blazing trying to kill me, I have a pressing business matter I need to discuss with you," said Samuel.

"Where's my gun?" asked Wolf.

Samuel snapped his fingers, "Wolfgart let's not lose the plot here. Just sit down and listen to my business opportunity. We truly don't have time for all this blathering about your bloody gun."

Wolf looked around. His eyes landed with longing on Samuel's coffee.

"Would you like a cup of coffee first?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, I would," Wolf replied as he sat down.

Samuel nodded at a Barista behind the counter and he walked over with a hot cup of coffee placing it on the table in front of Wolf. The Barista returned with cream and sugar. Wolf opened three packets of sugar and poured them into his coffee cup.

"I have a job for you," Samuel said.

"In what reality, would I seriously ever take a job working for you?" Wolf replied.

"The reality in which I could provide you with some value life altering information that I happen to know is extremely important to you," Samuel said.

Wolf stirred his coffee with the demitasse spoon that looked comically out of place in his large strong hands. He licked the spoon before he gingerly placed the spoon down on the table. He picked up his coffee cup, as he drank from it, he closed his eyes savoring the fragrant rich dark coffee.

"A coffee connoisseur, who would've thought it," Samuel said.

"After three tours in the Middle East, you develop a taste for it," Wolf said.

Without missing a beat Samuel stated, "You weren't able kill her."

Samuel's words cut through Wolf as he looked away and replied, "I failed at that mission, not once but three times."

"I need you to find her," Samuel said.

"And what if she doesn't want to be found?" Wolf asked as he pushed away from the table crossing his arms over his vast chest.

"You find her. You bring her home to me unharmed. I mean not a bloody hair out of place and I will tell you who your mother really is," said Samuel as he pulled out a small vial of blood. "And I have proof."

Wolf rubbed his chin as he studied Samuel considering his offer. Finally, he said, "You have the resources and the skills. You don't need me. And to be honest, I don't think I am the right man for the job anyways."

"I have restrictions that prohibit me from going and finding her. I will provide you with whatever resources and the equipment you may need," Samuel said.

"I don't know," Wolf said.

"Here's what I do know ... you failed at your missions. Daddy dearest has disowned you. And you've been expelled from The Sect. You don't really have many other options now do you?"

Wolf pushed the chair away from the table, "We are so done here."

Samuel put his hand on his arm, "You do this one thing for me and I can provide you with more than just information about your paternity. I can provide you with enough money to set up a new life for yourself where ever you want far away from your father," Samuel said.

Wolf took a deep breath, as he scratched the back of his head, he asked, "Tell me just one thing. Is she really worth it?"

Samuel sat back in his chair and a broad smile cracked across his face, "Wolfgart, I think you of all people know the answer to that particular question."

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