chapter five: A Mother's Love Is Like No Other

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8:59 a.m. Tuesday, February 24

An hour later, Delilah was dressed in a beige moo moo and slip-ons sitting alone at a picnic table in a large round yurt. She felt a chill run through her as she wrapped her arms around her chest. The yurt had a large round water bed in the middle filled with homemade pillows made from latch hook rug kits. The pillows were an array of rainbows, unicorns, cupcakes, and kittens fast asleep. There were small golden chairs surrounding the bed. Behind the bed was a large golden throne surrounded by an alter filled with dead flowers, golden bowls, candles, incense, two large knives, and smaller bowls filled with dried herbs. Above the bed hung a large painting of a nude older woman who looked like Sage with long flowing gray hair hanging from ceiling of the yurt. The woman had a gold crown on her head lit up by a halo of white light, with stigmata painted on her hands, wrists, and feet.

This painting sent another chill through Delilah. She couldn't take her eyes of off the painting. It was then that she remembered Mimi Mae's warning about Sage's sister Honey. Delilah stood up.

I have to get out of here.


Just as Delilah turned to run she found herself face to face with a woman from the painting. This woman had the same long silver hair it was tied in a braid, and wore a moo moo with large orange, lime green, and acid yellow flowers. She was holding a plate of brownies.

The woman smiled to reveal a grill made of gold and said, "Daughter you have found your way home at last."

Delilah watched as she set the platter down on the table. She took Delilah's hand and kissed it, gently she stroked it and said, "I am Honey."

Delilah tried to pull her hand away, but Honey held onto it and with a flash of anger said through gritted teeth, "You don't need to fear me."

Delilah looked beyond Honey and saw Maria. Honey turned her head, "Who do you see?"

Maria put her finger to her mouth and said, "Tell her nothing."

Delilah titled her head and replied, "Nothing."

Honey stroked the side of her face, "Dearest Daughter, you will come to learn very quickly that your Mother does not tolerate lying. Do you understand me?"

Delilah took a deep breath and looked at the ground, "Yes."

"Yes what?"

Maria yelled, "Say, yes Mother."

Delilah remained silent.

Maria shouted at Delilah, "Call her Mother!"

Finally, Delilah looked up and said, "Yes, Mother."

Honey clapped her hands together and smiling she said, "We are going to get on so well together. I am so happy you are here with me. Now sit down."

At her command, Delilah sat down at the picnic table. Honey sat on the other side of the table. She pushed the platter of brownies towards Delilah and said, "Homemade my secret recipe."

Delilah picked up a brownie and took a bite. It was delicious. She couldn't stop eating it. The woman just nodded and smiled at her and said, "That's a good girl."

Delilah asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm your Mother silly bunny," the woman replied adding, "And these are all my children."

Delilah asked, "Where am I?"

"You're home, my Daughter," she said.

Delilah asked, "Am I dreaming?"

"We are all living in a dream state; reality only exists in our perception. There is no difference between a dream and being awake," replied Honey.

Delilah started to feel light headed as rays of orange and yellow began shooting out of the Honey's head as she said, "Tell me who you are."

"I am Honey Pentreath. I am the supreme Goddess Mother of the Brujas coven. You my dearest Daughter have finally found your way home to me. I have big plans for you. Together we are going to create something this world has never seen."

Delilah shook her head. None of this made sense.

I am Delilah Johan Jehanne Romee D'Arc.

My mother Maria is dead.

I am descendent of Joan of Arc.

The rightful leader of the Ascent coven.

Sage leaned forward, her elbows resting on the table, "Now Delilah, I need you to remember something for me. It's extremely important."

Delilah looked her and smiled as a warm feeling filled her body.

"At your wedding, did you kiss Samuel?"

"My wedding?" Delilah repeated.

"Yes, your blood wedding. Did you kiss Samuel?"

"Samuel lied to me," Delilah replied.

"Yes, my dear. He did. But know that you are safe here, he won't be able to find you," said Honey.

Delilah let out a snort as she began to laugh, "I'm not safe anywhere. If I'm alive people get hurt."

Honey stood up and slowly made her way around the table, she sat next to Delilah and took her hand, "You have sinned. You have made mistakes. You are dirty. But you will be cleansed. I promise you. I will cleanse your dirty soul and make it pure once more. I promise."

Even though Delilah was sitting down she felt dizzy. She felt like she just needed a long rest, her head bobbed to her chest and she said, "I need a nap."

"But first you must answer my question, did you kiss Samuel?"

Delilah yawned and replied, "I don't think so."

Honey took her face between her hands and said, "Think. Did you kiss Samuel?'

Panicked Delilah replied, "No? Yes? I can't remember."

Honey slammed her hand on the table and yelled, "Answer my question!"

Delilah put her hands up scared that Honey was going to hit her, "No. We didn't kiss. Jonathan stopped him before he kissed me. He saved me. He died because of me. Everyone dies because of me."

Honey stroked her hair and said, "Good girl, now you look so tired."

Delilah's eye lids became very heavy, "I need a nap."

Honey helped Delilah up, "Of course you do, you poor thing." Honey led her to the bed in the middle of the room, "Have a nice long rest and we'll get started on our big plans tomorrow. How does that sound?"

Honey tucked her into bed, and gently kissed the top of Delilah's head. Suddenly she grabbed Delilah's chin and warned, "Don't think for one second you can hide your powers from me. I may not know the extent of your powers, but I do know that you are one powerful witch."

Delilah tried to pull her chin away from Honey, but her grip was too strong.

"Do you understand me?"

Delilah nodded.

Honey released her chin and in a sickly-sweet voice said, "Mommy is here. You are safe and sound. I won't let anything bad happen to you, that's if, and only if you are a good girl."

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