Chapter Three: We Are a Family?

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7: 11 a.m. Tuesday, February 24

Delilah woke up with a massive headache. It felt like that time Devlin had given her a sedative after Maria was murdered. Slowly, the memories came back to her.

Maria is dead.

My wedding.

Delilah ran her hand over her torn bloodstained wedding dress. She squeezed her eyes shut trying to push out the memories of her blood wedding.

Jonathan is dead.

There was one thought that looped through her mind over and over.

Jonathan is dead.

Samuel killed him.

Samuel is ... what?


The devil?

Then came the that thought. She tried to ignore it. She tried to swat at it. She tried in vain to ignore it, but she couldn't.

It's all my fault.

All of it.

Because I did the one thing I swore I wouldn't do, but did anyway.

I put myself before my coven.

Her eyes popped open. She bolted upright and threw up all over herself. Her arms and legs began to shake uncontrollably. It was then she finally noticed her surroundings. It wasn't so much a room as it was a yurt. An actual yurt. There was another cot set up on the opposite side with a small table and camping lamp. She looked up at the peaked round tented canvas ceiling. It reminded her of a circus tent.

A woman entered the yurt dressed in a long sleeved beige moo moo dress and matching beige canvas slip-ons. The woman had light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a vacant smile. She smiled at Delilah and said, "Mother can't wait to meet you."

The woman was carrying a beige moo moo and matching canvas slip ons. She placed them on the bed. Delilah flinched as the woman began to stroke her hair, "Poor baby. You've been through so much."

Delilah panicked asked the woman, "Where am I?"

"Where you were always meant to be with your coven," she responded.

"Who are you?"

The woman laughed, "I am your Sister."

Delilah looked at the woman's arm. She didn't see the Ascent witch's mark. The spiral marking that Delilah had on the inside of her right arm. A man who was well over six feet tall with a shaved head dressed in a beige moo moo and beige canvas slip ons entered the yurt carrying a tray of food. He set the tray down and smiled, "How's our Sister doing this morning?"

"She is a frightened little rabbit," said the woman.

"I see," said the man. "Let's get her cleaned up. She can't meet Mother covered in sick. Now can she?"

The man then tried to unbutton Delilah's wedding dress. Like a cornered animal, Delilah pressed her body up against the side of the yurt and yelled, "No!"

"Sister I mean you no harm," the man said as he raised his hands in surrender.

Slowly, the woman approached Delilah, "We are here only to help you. Truly."

Delilah crossed her arms tightly across her chest. She heard the comforting words they were saying, but her every instinct told her she was far from being safe. 

Delilah: Forsaken Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now