"Okay. But don't ever talk to them. Stay away from them. Stay far away. They are a bad influence." Those were the last words he said as he placed his bowl in the sink and walked out the door.

Okay then. I will eat by myself.
                                 •  •  •
"Justin! Please take a seat!" Mrs. Conner yelled. I hated my life. That was the worst thing ever.

"I don't feel like it," Justin said and sat on top of the teacher's desk. That kid cannot keep his mouth shut no matter what. Lord, could I kill him myself? "Why should I?" Justin asked boringly. Stupid damn idiot!

Justin looked at me and I stared into his brown eyes, giving him the glare. He kept staring at me and I keep staring at him. He sighed and jumped down the desk and sat on his own.

Really? What did his parents teach him? No offense.

"Justin!" I hissed. He looked at me and I formed my hand into a fist. He rolled his eyes but was now paying attention. Ha! Girls rules! Well, in that case, me.

"Thank you. Now, everyone please take out your homework I assigned last week." Mrs. Conner orders. I took out my homework and placed it on my desk. I looked over to the guys. To my left, Vincent and Victor are just sitting there twiddling their pencil around and around. I looked to my right, Arrow was sitting there with his feet on the desk and his head lean a bit back. Justin who was right next to him was, SLEEPING?!?!?!




Somebody kill me now. I should of known. I could have made them do their reading homework yesterday. Now, none of them have their homework. I'm doomed. I would be dead the next minute. I love you mom and dad. I love you Mr. Pigadoo. I love you food.

Mrs.Conner walked up to me and grabbed my homework. She leaned down and whispered in my ears,

"Imso sorry Principal Adams made you tutor them." She had a sincere look on her face.

"Yeah. I feel bad for myself." I whispered back. I had this kind of connection with teachers. Every time they need help after school, I always volunteer. Yeah I know, I'm such a loser. Mrs.Conner laughed and walked away to collect the other students' homework.

"Lexy! Wait for me!" What? Am I in trouble? I turned around and spot Victor waving at me. I raised one eyebrow at him, but I walked over to him.

"May I help you?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"You came for me Lexy!" Victor said happily and hugged me.

"Who is Lexy?" I asked using my last breath. This guys can really hug!

"You silly!" Lexy? That sound... weird. You know since it rhymes with sexy...yeah. Not that I minded.

"You can let go of me now." I stated. It was very uncomfortable, since I had my arms crossed and Victor was hugging me very hard.

"Fine." Victor said disappointed. He removed his arms and I took in a deep breath. I'm alive! I looked at Vincent and saw the he was munching on some chips. Justin and Arrow were whispering to each other with hard faces.

Now that I think of it, what do they do when I'm not tutoring them? Rumors says that they are part of some gang or whatever. Lame and cliché. The bad boys part of a gang. Pfft, yeah right.

The bell rang and all the students started rushing towards there destined class. Oh cràp.

"Hurry up! We're going to be late for Science!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down Lex. Jeez, you act like that class is the whole world." Justin said looking bored. Arrow was leaning against the wall as the students rush by him, avoiding any close contact. Of course.

"Well, at least I care about my grades!" I pointed at myself and glared at him. The second bell rang and I literally had a heart attack. "The second bell!" I ignored all of them and raced all the way to Mr. Walker's class. I opened the door and rushed inside. All heads turned my way. I ducked my head in embarrassment, my cheeks heating up.

"Miss Shay, would you like to explain why you are late for class?" Mr. Walker asked staring straight into my eyes. I walked in like 3 seconds after the bell rang...

"She was with us." A voice declared from behind me. I turned my head around and found the 'Gods' of the school standing there looking all 'bad ass'. I got to thank them later, but...like that was going to happen.

Mr. Walker sighed and said, "Just take your seat and take out your science book." I immediately obey. Wow, even the teachers are scared.

"Mister Shay!" I whipped my head towards the door. My brother. The fact that my brother was actually in class scared me. At least he decided to show up for class for once. When was the last time he was even here? Maybe two months ago?

Spencer locked eyes with me then he looked at the guys next to me. His face hardened. He formed a tight fist by his sides. Yep, something is definitely wrong. I looked at the guys and they have the same look. What's up with them? Jeez, can't we all get along and eat candy?

"Spencer, please take your seat," Spencer walked to his seat which is right behind mine's. Gulp. He does not look to happy. "Now that everyone is here, please open your books to page 157." Mr. Walker ordered and picked up the chalk and started to write notes down. His class is literally the only class that has a chalk board.

A crumbled up paper landed on my desk. I looked at Mr. Walker but he was still writing. Not surprised. I opened the note carefully and read the writing. Definitely Spencer's.

I told you to stay away from them sis! They aren't safe to stay around with! - Spen

I grabbed my pencil and wrote back,

I didn't have a choice! Principal Adams told me I had to tutor them and change all their schedules to match mine's! And I have to make sure they stay out of trouble and get good grades. I have no choice. Plus I think they are fine. - Alex

I crumbled up the paper and threw it behind me. I heard the Spencer open the paper. What was up with these five? The note landed on my desk again and I opened it up,

I don't care! Just stay the hell away from them! You hear me? STAY AWAY FROM THEM!-Spen

Why?!? Just tell me why?! I thought we told each other everything!?!-Alex

I can't tell you, I'm so sorry-Spen

Sorry my ass- Alex
• • •

Sorry my ass- Alex                                 •  •  •

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