She didn't know it, but Alec's lips twitched toward a smile as he tried to fight it. He wanted to stay mad, but Celeste's antics were always hard for him to resist.

When they all arrived at Pandemonium, Clary lead the group because she seemed to be the only one who knew where she was going

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When they all arrived at Pandemonium, Clary lead the group because she seemed to be the only one who knew where she was going. She reached up and grabbed her necklace before gasping again as she got another vision of Dot.

"Dot." She breathed out in fear. "Dot!" She yelled and started to run ahead of them.

"Clary!" Celeste called out, running after her. "Clary wait!"

"Where are you going?" Jace yelled after her.

Clary came to a stop and looked to Celeste, knowing that she was the one who was most likely to understand. "Two men, Circle members... The same ones that came to my house, who took my mom." She told her frantically. "They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her, or kill her. We have to stop them!" She didn't even wait for a response before she started running again.

Celeste stayed on her tail the whole time, not wanting her to get in some sort of trouble that she wouldn't be able to get out of on her own. Simon was not far behind them, followed by the other three Shadowhunters who were making sure nothing was trailing them.

"Clary stop!" Celeste tried once more, but it was useless. The girl wouldn't stop for anything.

Clary finally slowed down after entering the building and reaching the main room where there was no sign of Dot, or anyone for that matter.

"No." She breathed out, her eyes still frantically searching the place in hopes that maybe she'd just missed her somewhere. "She was just trying to help me." She tried grabbing her necklace, hoping that it would show her a vision again like it had in the past, but nothing happened. "Now she's gone."

Simon, being the good best friend he is, put his hand on her shoulder in support. "Clary, I'm sorry."

"You don't understand, Dot's like my big sister." She explained to the rest of the group.

Celeste frowned and looked at the ground, feeling just terrible. She leaned into Jace's side and he put his arm around her, knowing that it would help, even just a little bit. She was so upset that Clary had had to lose someone, and didn't know what had happened to them or if they were even alive. If they had just gotten there a few minutes earlier, maybe it could have been prevented.

"It's not safe here." Alec stated, being the ever level-headed guy that he was. "We need to go back to the Institute right now."

Celeste was so upset, she didn't even bother to hit him for his lack of sympathy.

"So what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot and we're just going to give up?" Clary asked incredulously. "What about my memories? They can't just be gone."

"There is another option." Jace said shrugging.

Celeste pulled away from him wide eyed. "Jay!" She scolded. She couldn't believe he was even suggesting this.

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