I'm married to the bad boy?!?

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We've been walking for the past three hours. To say I'm tired is an understatement. I think I saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Texas'.  I'm guessing we are in Texas. It's just a guess. 

It's really hot here especially at 3:00 p.m. I am sweating like a pig and so are the guys. Poor River, he must be dying. He is carrying Brandon on his back because he fell asleep. Something about not being able to sleep last night. My point is, Brandon is sleeping on Rivers back.

It suddenly hit me; literally. This is going to be so embarrassing but, I have to say something. I can't just keep on walking like this. I shuddered and decided it was a good idea to tell them about my needs. "Umm.. guys..... I think I got my period." I said looking anywhere else but them to avoid that awkward moment. Let's face it, you can't avoid it no matter how hard you try.

I looked up at the three boys that I have known for almost three weeks now. They were very shocked. Their jaws were literally on the ground. I knew this would happen. It's very natural thing but, it's still awkward to discuss it with the male population. 

"What? It's the circle of life. I have needs, I need a tampon!" I said. "Ummmm...." River swallowed. "I think I see a gas station down the road." he said. I nodded.

"Are you stained?" Andrew awkwardly asked. Oh God, kill me now. I swallowed "I think so." I said. "So you need....new clothes?" Aiden asked. "Yes" I hesitantly responded. "Okay" River said looking around awkwardly. I think we're all uncomfortable now. 

We finally made it to the gas station. We all walked inside and I walked directly to the feminine isle. Who knew gas stations had them. I sighed in relief when I found what I needed. I grabbed the box of tampons and a box of Tylenol just in case I get cramps, you could never be too sure. I walked up to the front counter.

I waited for the guys to come up to the counter. Once they finally made it there, they set all of their junk food on the counter and River paid for all of the stuff once again. 

"So, you can go...change. We'll be outside if you need anything. We will go buy you some new jeans and then we will look for a bus station again." River said. This guy sure has his stuff planned. "Sounds like a plan." I said as I walked away. "Take good care of Brandon for me." I said. River gave me a pointed look and I just chuckled.

"Just as expected." I muttered as I eyed the filthy gas station bathroom. "Let's just get this over with." I muttered as I held my breath. It smells like rotten eggs mixed with poop, beans, and urine. I'm guessing someone had bean burritos.

I quickly did my business in a record of time. Once I was done, I walked out of the gas station. I looked around and finally spotted the guys, they were talking to a family with an RV. How strange.

I noticed that Aiden was now carrying Brandon on his back. I walked up to them slowly. River looked at me and put his arm around me. What the-. I didn't get to finish my thought when River spoke up. 

"Here she is. My lovely wife" I looked up at him with a 'what the hell is going on' look. He then gave me an 'I'll tell you later look'.

"Play along." River whispered to me. I nodded.  I wrapped my arm around him and smiled at the family in front of us. There were three kids in total. One teenage girl with long brown hair, brown eyes and very short shorts. There was also one  teenage boy, also with brown hair and brown eyes and must I say, he was quit good looking. Lastly, there was one small girl that looked around Brandon's age and of course what I assume is their parents which were the people that we were talking to.

"Honey, these lovely people have offered us a ride to California." River said. "Oh that's wonderful!" I said smiling. "Yes it is." River said. I looked at the teenage girl and noticed that she was eyeing River. Not again, I mean who can blame her. He is basically a Greek god. But still, he is my 'husband'.

"Well, we should get going. We wouldn't want to be late to our family reunion, would we honey?" River asked me. I looked at him weirdly and said "No we wouldn't .... Pumpkin." I said awkwardly. I heard Andrew chuckling in the background. This is just great.

"Come on everybody, board the RV." the guy that looked like the dad said. We all went inside the RV. It looked normal just like any other but, it was slightly bigger.

"Come this way, we should put your son in the room to rest." the lady said as she led the way to the bedroom so Brandon can sleep. We followed her with Brandon. 

"Son?" I whisper yelled to River. "I'm sorry, I had to make up something to get them to take us. They wouldn't want to take a couple of teenagers who are running away from bad guys and just got kicked off a bus for damaging their property!" I nodded in agreement.  

"Here is the story, we got married last year and had Brandon 6 years ago. Andrew and Aiden are the uncles and we need to get to California for a family reunion." River whispered to me quickly.

"Wait, what about my pants?" I asked. "Oh, right...can you wait till California?" River asked. "I guess so, I didn't stain that much." "Okay, good. Hang in there." River said. He put his arm around me.

 "We have to make this believable, kiss me" River whispered close to my ear, making me shiver.  "Wait, what?" I whispered "You heard me, everybody is looking at us, we are supposed to be married, just stop arguing and kiss me" he said.

I hesitated for a moment. This is going to be my first kiss. Don't think about that Natalie just make it believable... make it believable. If I don't do this then we are back to walking. I nodded. River smiled, leaned down and kissed me.

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