The Life of Isis

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Around B.C.E. in Egypt...  Isis was ruled to be an Egyptian goddess, she was the symbol of the throne, the sun disk with cow's horns, sparrow, cobra, vulture, sycamore tree, and kite (bird). She was the sister-wife of Osiris, she had 4 children with him. Anubis was the son of Isis's sister Nephthys and Set/Osiris.

Isis was the instrument of resurrection to Osiris who was murdered by Set, she used her magic skills to save his life from dying. She listened to the prayers of everyone. Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris, he was born with a falcon-head. 

She is the patroness of magic and nature. She saves everyone from danger, she is one of the rulers in Egypt. She was transformed into a kite, in order to conceive Horus with Thoth's magic, which made him a half human and a half falcon. She was the goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom, Osiris was the god of death, afterlife, and ressurection.

Isis worship typically took place within. In Egypt, Isis would have received the same sort of rituals as other Egyptian Deities, including daily offerings. She was served by both priests and priestesses throughout the history of her cult. 

By the Greco-Roman era, the majority of her priests and priestesses had a reputation for wisdom and healing, and were said to have other special powers, including dream interpretation and the ability to control the weather, which they did by braiding or not combing their hair.

She was the goddess of ressurection, she resurrects some of the Egyptians in Egypt by using her magic. Nectanebo II created the temple that was dedicated to her, the Egyptian sculptors created the figurine of Isis nursing baby Horus. When Horus grows up, he became the god of sky and kinship.

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