The Souls of the Pharaohs

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After they escape from the mummies, Yvette and her team were at the throne room. "This must be the throne room, we better look around to find and take something." said Yvette. Yvette and her team began to look around the throne room.

Christie found a third page of the Book of the Dead, Oscar was wandering around. "Oscar, you must keep listening to me as I say. I want you to bring the reincarnated Isis to me sooner, because she is my reincarnated sister. I want her to be the bait, while I'm replacing Osiris with myself." said Set's thoughts in Oscar's mind. "Yes, master." Whispered Oscar. "What was that you say?" said Yvette. "Nothing." said Oscar.

Yvette found a pyramidion on the pedestal, she carefully picks it up and looks at it. "Hey, everyone. Come look at this." said Yvette. Yvette's team and Oscar comes to look at the pyramidion. "What is that thing?" asked Christie. "It's a pyramidion." said Ophelia. "A what?" said Christie. "Pyramidion." said Ophelia. "What does it say?" said Christie. 

"It says: In around Egypt in the past, thousands of years. The pharaoh gods and goddesses are the most rulers in Egypt around the fifth dynasty. Osiris was murdered by Set, his own brother. But Isis resurrected him with her magic, she and Osiris conceived Horus afterwards. Horus is the god of sky and kingship in Egypt, he was born a half-human and a half-falcon. Anubis is the god of cemeteries and embalming, he was the son of Nephthys and Set/Osiris. Anubis was born a half man and a half-jackal. He married his wife Anput, they had 2 children: Kebechet and possibly Ammut. Cleopatra and her son Caesarion were the last pharaohs in Egypt, in the 30 BC, the Egyptian empire has ended. The souls of the past pharaohs will rise again after the empire." said Ophelia, reading the words on the pyramidion. 

"It tells about the history of Egyptian empire. How does the Egyptian empire end?" said Yvette. "Cleopatra commits suicide by letting the asp bite her and her son's death was ordered by the Roman ruler Octavian, but it is unknown that his order was carried out." said Ophelia. "Gosh." said Yvette.

Yvette and her team discovered another pyramidion on the other pedestal, Thomas picks it up from the pedestal. "There's another pyramidion, it shows about the eight dynasty." said Thomas. "Good carrying, Thomas." said Christie. "So, where did we put the two pyramidions at?" asked Thomas. "To the statues where they have their hands out." Said Ophelia, pointing at the two statues. "Good searching, Ophelia." said Yvette.

Yvette puts one pyramidion on the first statue's empty-carrying hands, Thomas puts the other pyramidion on the another statue's hands. The statues and the pyramidions began to glow and rise, the spirits of the past pharaohs (including the spirits of Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Osiris, and King Tut) came to appear.

"The souls of the past pharaohs." whispered Ophelia. "Welcome to our world, Yvette. The empire where we rule Egypt in the past life, after we died in the past we rise from the dead as spirits in the present and future. Our past souls wait for the new bodies, so that our spirits will be reborn. Isis was reborn in one of your friends' body, her soul was inside her, and her memories have been restored. You've must save our world because Set will take over Egypt by using his curse, Yvette, you are our only hope and the chosen one." said Nefertiti's spirit. "I will save Egypt, we will stop Set and his curse and that he will never take over again." said Yvette. "Good." said Nefertiti. 

"My dearly beloved ones." said Ophelia to the spirits of the pharaohs. "You must be the reincarnated Isis, you must help Yvette save Egypt. Our destiny is in you and your friends. You are one of the most powerful rulers in your past life, Isis. Will you help the chosen one?" said Cleopatra. "I always wanted to help my friends, I promised that I will." said Isis. "Good, your power is in your hands. Yvette, everyone, good luck." said King Tut.

The souls of the past pharaohs disappeared, waving goodbye at Yvette and her friends. Yvette and her team waved back.  

Yvette Jasper: The Search of the Egyptian GodsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu