•Chapter 5: Goodnight Kisses•

Start bij het begin

After taking a few good looks at the menu, I decide on a Lamb Salad with fregola. My order is followed by Henry's medium-well steak. The waiter takes our menus and leaves us to speak.

Henry breaks the silence, "Well... if you can't tell, I'm pretty nervous right now." He gives a quick chuckle as he clears his throat.
"Oh believe me, I am too..." I'm suddenly reminded of the book, "Oh! I forgot, I found something the other day. At the house, of course." I turn to reach in my bag. My hand grasps the book frame and I turn around to show him. "I didn't know if you wanted it back, maybe something of sentimental value?"

His hands grab the book, his eyes skimming through each page. "No no, these pictures are too old. They're of a family generation before us who owned the house prior to my great grandfather."
"Oh... I see."
"Yeah, don't worry it's all yours."
His lips form a smile and he hands it back to me.
I place it back in my bag and return my gaze onto his face. His face was a sight for sore eyes, everything from his strong jaw to his sensuous lips had me mesmerized. His green eyes, tugging at my attention every few glimpses. I can't help but let my eyes wonder to his hair, it urged me to run my fingers through it's soft texture. His eyes were framed by wonderfully full brows and his nose was the perfect size for his diamond face. At this moment, we are both taking in each other's features. He stops my gaze with a question, which led to another, which led to yet another.


"I can't explain to you how much you fascinate me." He marvels.
His choice of words speed up my pumping heart.
"How come?" I say with intentions of finding out an answer.
"Everything about you, your career- I mean a Forensic Pathologist?! Come on! That's the sexiest thing I've ever heard." His sentence makes me smile broadly.
"Me?! I mean look at you! You're a Anesthesiologist! Don't give me all the credit!" I object while taking sips of red wine.
He lets out a laugh and starts signing the check.
Our laughs hadn't stopped till we reached the front door. The cold air seemed as a mere nothing now. He pushes open the door and walks next to me. We enjoy the silence between us as we act like little kids with their first crushes. He opens the car door and I snuggle inside, making sure to place my purse at my feet. He makes his way around the car and lets himself in. The engine awakes and he reverses the car out of the parking. "I had such a great time tonight..." he says with the bright lights of other cars illuminating his face.
"So did I, you know how to keep a conversation going."
"That is true, but then again, you sure kept me on edge with your questions."
"Only because I was curious... and I wanted to see if you were worth my time."
The sound of my last words make him shoot a quick glance. Quick enough to see my smirk.
"Worth your time?! Please elaborate Ms. Freyman, I'm curious." He lifts his eyebrow. His statement sounded like a plea.
"You don't have the luxury of knowing." I say, continuing this "cat and dog" play.
"Hmm... we'll see what luxuries I have later." He says putting his turn signal into the road leading home.
After a few exchanged remarks, we finally reach my house. Henry stops the car and turns off the engine. He shifts his body towards me, "Now tell me... am I worth your time..." I glimpse at his deep green eyes wanting more.
"It's just that I'm 23 and I've never had a formal date before... not to mention a formal relationship. I've never done any of this and I need to make sure that I don't waste my time on the first try." My heart races with every passing second. I lick my lips as they're in dire need for his. The silence of the night only intensifies our voices.
"You've never done this before?" His eyebrows lift. I so desperately want the space between us to close. "No, never."
"What else haven't you done..." He says moving closer. I decide to do the same. His eyes move to my lips and I slow my breathing. He takes one hand on neck and pulls me in. He places his lips onto mine and sends a wave of heat onto my whole body. The strong feeling is like a pulse, running up to my red ears and down to my buckled knees. I get even closer, invading his space and grip his arms. The feel of his muscles under his cotton shirt causes shivers down my arms. I can't control myself, I decide to kiss him back over and over. I couldn't get enough. The rush was exhilarating, I tighten my grip and place my other hand on his neck. He positions his heavy hands on my waist, trying to minimize the little space we had left. His lips move to my jaw. Making me melt, his stubble rubbing against my skin as he left a trail of kisses to my neck. His actions leave me completely debilitated, I moan as he kisses deeper. He runs his left hand up and down my thigh and I reposition his lips onto mine. His kisses where strong, passionate, and leaving me weak.
"You're gonna be the end of me." He breathes heavily. He finds his way back to my neck and his wet kisses on my collar bone make my fingers tighten around his hair. "Oh my gosh," I shakily say out of breath, "We need to stop." I say gripping his arms even tighter because I truly don't want this to end. "No no..." he says in between kisses, "we don't have to."
I take his face into my hands and give him a long kiss. Our tongues intertwine and he pushes on me, begging for more.

Conflicting thoughts fill my mind, "Is this it?! Am I going to let him in that easily?! Wow Scarlett, you sure can't play hard to get. But this can't happen! He's just so irresistible...No! No, this needs to stop! What if he's not the one?!"

I pull away and wipe my mouth. Our breaths are both heavy and we've created heat in the car. He stares at me, licking his lips. I watch his chest rise and fall with the sound of his breath. "I can't do this right now, you need to give me time." I try and catch my breath.
"Oh no, was this too sudden? I'm so sorry if it was."
"No it's-"
"I just couldn't get enough of you..."
"I know what you mean." I run my fingers through his hair and bite my lip. "I gotta go now." I say ruining eye contact and reaching for my purse.
"Do you need me to walk you to your door?"
"No! I'll call you right when I get in. Ok?"
He breaks into a smile, "I'll be waiting."
I bite my lip and blow a kiss to him as he drives away.

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