Chapter One // Green

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Ponyboy Curtis looks in the mirror, looking right at his eyes and sighs softly. One eye was green while the other was a hazel color.

The hazel one just happens to be the color of his soul mates eye. With a soulmate, one eye color is yours while the other is your soul mates.

'A lot of people in the world have brown eyes. Finding my soul mate is going to be near impossible,' he thought.

Ponyboy's older brother Soda happened to find his already; his was Steve Randle. Soda wasn't much older than Ponyboy so maybe he can find his soul mate soon like Soda did.

Ponyboy sighs softly and runs a hand through his hair, glancing in the mirror one last time before leaving the bathroom and shutting off the light. Soda happens to be with Steve at the moment so Ponyboy has to sleep by himself.

Ponyboy has nightmares at night so Soda has to sleep with him to calm down. But now he's on his own and has to fend for himself if a nightmare does happen.

He doesn't dare go to his oldest brother Darry with his nightmares. Darry would think he was childish; Ponyboy is fourteen and he should deal with it himself.

Ponyboy walks into his room and yawns quietly, pulling off his shirt and tossing it on the floor. Next he slips off his pants and puts them with his shirt, crawling into bed and under the covers.

He was so tired but afraid to sleep; he was afraid of the nightmares that might find him in the night. They were usually all tied together and based on the same event.

His parents died less than a year ago and it hit him awful hard; he was so attached to his parents. He was more attached to his mom though, they were practically attached at the hip.

His brothers always hung out with their dad so Ponyboy felt he should be near his mom. Ponyboy was a mama's boy and he got spoiled.

His brothers always teased him for being a mama's boy but he honestly didn't mind. He was proud to hang out with his mom and that just so happens to be where he got his green eye color from.

He got those emerald green eyes from his mom while his other brothers had greenish silver and blue from their dad. Ponyboy used to look at his brothers and they'd tell him every time that he looked like their mom.

Ponyboy would just grin widely and nod, proud to look like his mom. No one says it anymore, afraid of the younger boy crying over the loss of his mom.

There have been a few slip ups though causing the young boy to cry for maybe a solid hour. After he'd stop, he would just lay there and stare into the distance.

"Night mama, night dad...," Ponyboy murmurs to himself before closing his eyes.

×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×

Ponyboy woke up screaming at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his cheeks and he was breathing heavily. He quickly looks around his room and cries more.

His oldest brother Darry came running into the room, instantly going to his little brother's side, pulling him close. Ponyboy clutches onto him tightly, not willing to let go for anything.

Darry rubs his back lightly and mumbles calming words into his ears. Ponyboy slowly but surely calms down and now is just whimpering quietly.

"Its okay little colt, I got you. Its gonna be alright," Darry whispers. "Nothing is gonna happen to you..."

Ponyboy just nods and takes a few shaky breaths. Darry lifts his little brother up and carries him off to his room, setting him in the bed.

Ponyboy whimpers again and Darry lays next to him, pulling him close and pulling the covers over them both. He was afraid to leave his little brother alone after he has his nightmares.

"Its okay Ponyboy, its okay," Darry cooes.

Ponyboy closes his eyes and rests his head on Darry's chest and breaths softly, slowly slipping back to sleep. Darry smiles softly at him and follows soon after, slipping off to sleep next to his little brother.

The last thing he has of his mom...

×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×  ×

Well this just happens to be the beginning of my new story. In excited for this and I'm proud of this chapter. Its got some brother fluff and I'm happy with it.

How was this first chapter? I hope it was good.

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