~3~And miles to go before I sleep

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Author’s Note: I am SO sorry for not updating! I haven’t been on Wattpad in forever! Anyways I completely rewrote the prologue and the first few chapters and changed a ton of the content so if you could, please reread them. You may be a bit confused if you don't! Sorry for the inconvenience and the wait.

 I’ve decided to try third person point of view for now. Tell me what you like best!



After another hour or so of running through the pain, Sora decided that she was far enough away, and that pushing herself more would be suicidal. Dragging herself up a tree, she collapsed with a sigh onto a sturdy branch. She removed her torn jacket to examine the wound, then grimaced. It wasn’t very deep, a long cut up her side, but every time she moved too much, it opened the wound up and it was already an angry, inflamed shade of red around the edges. Sora pulled out some bandages from her hip pouch, promising to herself that the next time she saw Ren, she would force him to teach her medical nin-jutsu. She hastily tried her best to bandage herself, which wasn’t the easiest thing in the world considering the fact that even the slightest twist in her torso sent a searing jolt of pain up her side. Gritting her teeth, she examined the handiwork.

 “It isn’t exactly medical-nin quality,” She decided, “but it’s sturdy and will have to do.”

There was nothing else she could do for herself other than try to replenish her drained chakra deposit, so she let herself drift off into a fitful sleep.

After was felt like little more than an instant, Sora forced herself awake. She had long since trained herself to wake up in the middle of the night. She needed to keep moving and hopefully reach a village before dawn. It wasn’t safe to travel injured in broad daylight. She stifled a groan as she attempted at a stretch and leapt off the tree. Her muscles were still sore and her side ached, but she felt better than before after her little power nap. She continued on at a moderate pace, sensing none of Hiroshi’s ninja’s in the area.

When she reached a clearing, she halted abruptly. Something was…off. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and she could feel a slight tremor in the ground. ‘Was someone coming this way?’ She inquired. It was most likely nothing at all, but brushing something off as nothing is a sure path to death in the ninja world. Opening up her senses, she stood there for a moment, simply observing. There was something here. It was faint, barely detectable, but most certainly there. It was as if something was… burrowing underground!

A split second too late, Sora realized what was happening. She jumped up to dodge, but the first hound had already buried its teeth deep into the flesh of her leg. In a matter of seconds nine ninken were pinning her down at every limb and joint, immobilizing her almost completely. Sora winced as one dug its teeth into her side, fresh blood staining her bandage. She tried throwing them off, but they held firm and she did not want to risk further injury on what was obviously a pinning technique and she had no interest in killing the ninken if they were simply going to hold her there.

. She took the time to summon a broadsword in her hand, crafting it out of chakra infused ice as she could not move to reach her shuriken holster.  Her eyes darted around in anticipation of the enemy. It was most likely not Hiroshi’s men, since she had been on the lookout for their chakra signals and as far as she knew, the ninja he had sent after her the day before were the highest ranked ninja in his disposal. It wasn’t long before she made out shapes approaching her in the distance. There weren’t many; three or four perhaps. Making a hand sign with one hand, she sent out a blast of icy wind strong enough to throw the hounds off of her.

Frozen Inside (a Kakashi love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن