~1~The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep

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Sora's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to the feel of light on my eyes and the sound of birds. It was dawn, the start of a new day. I sighed. I was supposed to meet a client today, but I doubt that he was going to offer me a decent job. I didn’t want to depend on Ren anymore. I wasn’t a ten year old, I was a full-fledged ninja who was capable of taking care of herself. My brother was very understanding of my independent streak, allowing me to do whatever I wanted and not forcing me to join the Akatsuki like he did.

I jump down from the tree I had been sleeping in and headed towards a nearby village to buy some breakfast.

The sound of children’s laughter was evident even before the village was in sight. The sound instantly sends an icy dagger through my heart. It has been nearly seven years since we left Hikari at an obscure village, and still, every child I saw made me miss him. I wanted nothing more than to visit him, but I know better. The less he knows about his heritage, the less he is linked to me, the safer he is.

I visited the Taiyaki stand close to the gate. I ordered a red bean flavored taiyaki and the old lady serving me gave me a kind smile. In most villages I visited, the people were scared of me. I was dressed in ninja gear after all and had a dangerous feel about me. This village must be used to ninjas passing through though, because I have yet to receive suspicious glances. I took a moment to indulge in my sweet treat. Often travelling for days at a time through forests, I have to live off of meat and nutrition pills most of the time and rarely get to taste anything sweet other than wild berries.

After finishing my breakfast, I decided to do some training in the forest. I really should be meeting my client, but I was in no hurry and besides, I doubted he was going to offer me a job that I would take. Setting to work, I started to perfect the technique that I had yet to master from the scrolls. Ren had the scrolls in his possession, but I had long since memorized every word written on it. Taking a deep breath, I focused my chakra into the soles of my feet and felt it pour into the ground beneath me. 


   Hours later, I sighed contently. It was a difficult jutsu that took a lot of chakra, but I had made good progress today. I reluctantly started for my client’s hideout. Even before I knocked, the doors slide open and two guards greeted me. “Because that’s not creepy at all.” I muttered under my breath.

The guards motioned for me to follow them and led me silently down a dozen identical looking hallways. I had come here twice before, and the place always made me nervous. Way too dark and built like a prison, there was too many places for enemies to hide, and only one way out. If Hiroshi decided he wanted me dead, I was at a very big disadvantage. The guards led me to a pair of doors that were obviously handmade and very expensive, then left as silently as they came. I knocked on the door softly.The doors opened inward and a drawling voice called out to greet me.

"Nice to see you again. Hiroshi smiled at me, sitting in his antique desk. It was not a pleasant smile. I scanned the room. Hiroshi didn't appear to be armed, but one could hid a lot behind a desk. There are no windows, and the wall is made of solid stone, not idea to punch through. There appeared to be a hidden door in the wall on my left.

"Likewise." I answered, my voice cold and sleek. "I do hope you have a job I can actually take this time."

He tossed a file to me."Histuga Ryo. I want you to assassinate him."

I quickly glanced through the standard profile then frowned. I gave him a cold stare." Why do you want him dead?"

"Let's just say he's getting in the way of my work." He answered.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. “You want me to assassinate him because he’s getting in the way of your work?” I let my voice give off a hint of warning.

“I understand that you have,” He said with disdain. “-morals, but please, this man is a criminal. Maybe not enough to get him in the bingo book, but he’s wronged his fair share of people. Believe me.”

“Do you really think I’m an idiot? If you’re going to lie to me at least make it convincing.” I glared at him, blue eyes stony and phlegmatic.

“I take that as a No then.” He sighed. “I respect your wishes. Contact me anytime if you change your mind. I will have a guard escort you out.”

He waved his hand and another silent guard materialized beside me and motioned for me to follow him out. I bit my lip as I ambled behind him. There was something tense about Hiroshi today. I had turned him down many times now and I knew more than he’d want me to already. I had an ominous feeling gnawing at the back of my mind.

Sure enough, as we reached an intersection where half a dozen almost identically dressed minions were walking by, every one of them snapped and attacked me. The guard beside me grabbed my arm to try and hold me down, but I simply let my Kekkei Genkai do its job. Frost spread rapidly from where he was touching me until he was encased in ice. Pulling out a kunai, I made quick work of the rest. They were hardly skilled. Chunin level at best. Sliding my weapon back in its pouch, I broke out in a run. I was confident that I could take whomever Hiroshi threw at me, but I had no desire for senseless battle.

I tried my best to navigate through the identical looking halls, but while I had a near photographic memory, I had just about the worst sense of direction known to man. A near mob of minions were forming behind me. I was fast, but that didn’t exactly help when you kept running into dead ends. Eventually I was met by a sizeable group of minions. Not wanting to waste time as the group behind me was gaining on me, I made the necessary hand signs and blew frost from my mouth.

“Ice shell.” I murmured. Frosty winds swirled around my victims, first their feet became ice, then their legs and so on until they were nothing more than pretty ice sculptures. Passing them, I realized that they had been guarding the exit. I breathed a sigh of relief. Being trapped in that labyrinth was making me claustrophobic. A volley of throwing stars and kunai followed me as I dove for freedom, but I paid no mind. Most were poorly aimed and the others were easily dodged. For all the power show that Hiroshi put on, his base was extremely easy to escape.  

Kakashi P.O.V.

I sighed as I looked at my watch. Noon. I was already late. Not that I was ever on time, but I tried to be on time of the Hokage at least. Hopping from rooftop to rooftop, I let the wind tousle my hair. This would be my first mission as a regular Jonin.

I knocked on the door of the Hokage's office.

"Come in." he called.

"Sorry I'm late Hokage-sama. What mission do you have for me?"

"It's alright. I need you to go with Kurenai and Asuma to capture a rogue ninja we are in need of assistance from. Make it seem like she is our prisoner though. Be careful, this is an S rank mission." He replied, handing me a folder.

I skimmed through it quickly. "Ice Jutsu? Is it some kind of Kekkei Genkai?" I ask.

"Yes. Our best guess is that she is a survivor from the Yuki clan Massacre incident. Be careful. She’s dangerous.

"So why do we need her anyways?”

"She is one of the only known active users of the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai and is the only one who has not broken the Law. We have reason to believe that she is a direct descendant of the elder of the village that was massacred and therefore learned in the techniques of the ancient Koori Scrolls. We need her abilities for another S-rank mission. We'll get to that afterwards. For now, just gather your things and meet the other two at the gate. They are waiting for you."

"Yes Hokage-sama."

There we go! First Chapter is up! Please give feedback and suggestions!! Thanks for reading!

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