18~The Single Handed Man

Start from the beginning

"The hell I am," I snap, "I'm not some pretty princess that you can lock away in a tower and throw away the key,"

"No," he agrees, as I back against a tree and watch him stalk towards me as if I were a mouse, "You're a queen who would crush every brick down in that tower to dust," his breath fans against my face as he cages my body against the rough tree.

He leans in close to nibble my ear, "But I'll tie you up and hide you from everyone as much as I want to,"

Instantly, my knee rises to smash him between his legs. The gasp and groan of agony that escapes his perfect lips almost has me wincing but the poker face of un-amusement is set in stone, "Hope you don't want any more kids," I sneer before marching out of the camp, "Let's go boys!" 

It doesn't take us long to split into two groups, myself leading one and Felix another, as we circle the two men in our trap. We would let them run and allow hope to settle into their hearts as they run to the beach where we would corner them and stab them until their hearts stop beating. 

What I wasn't expecting was for Killian to be a member of those stranded. This brings new pieces into this virtual chess game. 

Ordering the boys to keep a lookout, I creep a little closer in-between the sharp claws of the branches and listen at the two bicker. 

"Gone wrong!" The larger pirate with a black hat complains, "Don't you know how to use a magic bean? You think of the place you want to go, and it takes you," he appears to be a little unsettled. 

Killian on the other hand just looks more fed up than me at his partner; that makes two of us. 

"It's quite simple! I did!" he protests as he glances around a little nervously for the lost boys he knows are waiting for him. We all want to rip his head off for taking me away from my family, and with no saviour around to get on my wick, well, the party is only just getting started.

"When we stepped through, I thought about getting home to Emma, but this isn't my home," he sighs, "Whatever dark magic banished me must have affected the portal; preventing me from getting returning," oh, boo hoo! Just waiting for the water works to start now. My eyes sarcastically rolling in their sockets. 

"So now I'm the victim of you're banishment!" The larger pirate spits

"Oh no honey," I say in a sickly sweet voice as I appear directly in front of the bickering couple, "I'm the victim of having to put up with codfish over here," I pout sarcastically. I nearly vomit at the look the older pirate is giving me whilst his eye roam up my bare legs that are barley covered by my ripped skirt, shorter than Tinks, and the green top sucked in at the waist by the extremely tight, brown leather, tunic. My feet bare as I usually have them; soaking up the wet mud between my toes. 

"Keep you're creepy eyes to yourself or I'll carve them out of you're paper skull and feed them to the mermaids, perm boy," I snap and his eyes raise in amusement. 

"Girl, I will look at you how I want-" He takes an apparent threatening step forward but I just blink sweetly at him

"I wouldn't mate," Killian warns, ah, my knight in shining...leather, "She's Pan's lass," he turns to face me. 

"Even better," his twat of a friend comments, "you'd do just nicely on that new ship of mine," he gives me a side smirk; meant to be intimidating I think. 

"And you would do quite nicely for the fire we're having tonight. Pirate does sound a lot tastier than pig, don't you think?" I smile as if I'd just offered him a fresh lemonade, "Or are you the pig? I can never tell the difference no more." 

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