Book 2: Chapter 36

Start from the beginning

"Good luck." Emma suggested as she offered him silvally's ultra ball. Jack hesitated for a moment.

"If I can't beat it with my own partners, then I won't capture it." He said as she slipped through the wall. Absol and bisharp quickly followed as she smiled under the mask. Before turning her attention to the three admin's as houndoom bit down on liepard's leg. Throwing it into the wall it gave a pained call before its trainer called out another pokemon.

Jack walked along the hallway as his heart raced in his chest. The large metal door at the end made his mouth dry as he reached up to the earpiece.


"63512." Auster stated. Jack typed the code into the keypad. He glanced over his shoulder still hearing the battle from down the hallway.

"Sol?" Absol called getting his attention. Jack smiled under the mask as the door gave a click, before it swung open. Slipping inside, he noticed the cocoon on a pedestal. Electricity was surging off it every so often. The door gave a creak and shut behind him locking him inside. The electricity seared off the different machines that were attached to the wall. They were striking the cocoon again and again getting a pained grumble to emit from it. Tubes ran to the platform draining the power from the pokemon.

"Bisharp, break those. Absol those." Jack said as he pointed to a few of the different stems. Absol jumped into the air cutting the wires away from one causing it to crash to the ground. Bisharp's swung out cutting parts of the machine off, causing it to short circuit and stop working. After a few minutes the machines were destroyed and the two pokemon rushed to their trainer's side.

Smoke and electricity began to emit from the cocoon as it started to shake and move. Lights began to shake as small sparks began to emit from it, as a bright blue eye met his own. Jack felt a cold chill run through his spine and his skin got goosebumps. His hair stood on edge as the two pokemon moved closer to him, meeting the eye as well. A loud snap and the red and black wings ripped away from its sides. The tail unwrapped itself as the legendary bird roared. A single beat of its wings and it was up into the air as it called making the cry reverberate through the room. Swinging around the pedestal, it landed with a thud as it stared down at Jack. Its large wings loomed above it, making the shape of a y. The grey fur around its neck blew as it eyed Jack.

"Yveltal." Jack whispered as he reached up pulling the mask off. He dropped it to the floor as he pushed the black cover off the rest of his head. The dark and flying pokemon raised its head to the large door behind Jack.

"It's just you and me." The legends attention returned to Jack. The legend took to the air as the dark orb formed in its wings as they bent forward. Jack gripped the key stone in his hand as he remained looking at yveltal.

"You want to fight, then let's fight." Jack stated as the legend gave a roar.

"Jack what's going on?" N yelled through his earpiece. Reaching up, he pulled the piece from his ear and dropped it to the ground.

The flying type attack seared towards him as he gripped the key stone, and the two pokemon leapt forward. Absol was glowing as bisharp rushed under her towards the legend. Cutting through the attack, absol landed on the ground as she flexed her wings in her mega form.

"I need all you." Jack said as he called out grovyle and rampardos. "This is going to be a challenge that will prove how good I really am." Grovyle rushed forward his blades glowing. Rampardos sent rocks flying into the air. Yveltal was into the air, dodging the incoming attack as Jack smiled, this was going to be fun.

"Jack? Jack!" Emma called into the earpiece. She rushed to where Ryder was as he finished up his own battle.

"Why isn't he answering?" Ryder asked as he heard the last of the members rush down the hallway. Recalling swampert he followed Emma towards the door as he readjusted his blue and gold mask.

"This things annoying, how do you wear it?" Ryder questioned as he pulled it away from his neck a bit.

"I don't have a big head." Emma responded. Ryder could hear the laughed on the other end of the device.

"Shut up you guys." Ryder snapped as they crawled through the hole. Walking up to the metal door, they tried to move it.

"Is he still in there?" Emma asked.

"It appears so." N stated. Footsteps cut off their conversation as four admins walked towards them. With Lysandre following behind. The leader of Team Flare pushed past the admins as he strutted forward until he was a few feet in front of them.

"You're the champion's vengeance then." The man snapped.

"Yes." Emma responded.

"What's happening?" Auster asked through the ear piece.

"Now then how about you leave before this gets worse." Lysandre stated.

"We aren't leaving." Ryder snapped as his voice changed. Lysandre laughed as he called out his gyarados and pyroar.

"Alright then." The admin's called out their pokemon as Emma glanced over at Ryder. Everyone was about to give their commands when the door gave a creak. They all froze and looked at the door as it started to open. A pair of bright blue eyes stared down at them from the darkness as yveltal gave a low growl. The legend gave a roar before forming its signature move and firing it. Striking gyarados it collapsed to the ground as the admin's recalled their pokemon and ran off. Lysandre was running after them, as the legend burst through the roof of the building. Emma and Ryder rushed into the room and noticed how destroyed it was. They didn't see Jack or his pokemon anywhere.

"We have a problem." Emma stated as she picked up the ear piece off the ground.


I'm so sorry guys. My update calendar is out of date apparently. I'm a day off, I'll fix it. Hope you all have a good day.

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