Chapter Nine

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I felt his lips against mine and my brain short-circuited, i couldnt think ANYTHING and all i felt was his lips caressing mine. And then i leaned in and he pulled back.

He caressed my cheek once with the back of his hand and then he dissapeared bechinnd the curtain. And he was gone .. WHY?

I stood there dazed thinking WHY had he gone.

"Theia, are you okay?" I whirled around to see my mom there.

Oh so thats why he had gone.

People have such bad timings some times.

"Um .. yeah." I said, but i was still dazed.

Ethan had kissed me.

"You dont look okay." My mom said but i smiled.

"Im just sleepy mom, dont worry." I said and then slid in my bed, after five minutes of scrutinizing me my mom left my room.

I was still thinking about the kiss and then i raised my hand and touched my cheek, it still tingled.

Oh my god, i needed my girlies more that ever now, it was conference time.

It felt so good to hear their voices, these five freaky friends could make me forget anything and make me happy and i missed them!! But today it was important so after ten minutes of hearing then squel, squeak and shout in my ear, I told them everything.

"Guys i have a problem." I said and they all fell silent.

"What problem?" Iris asked me.

"Well you wouldnt believe me when i tell you but please dont laugh its serious okay .." I was cut in.

"Tell us already." April said, i took a deep breath and then said,

"I met a guy." Everyone fell silent again.

"Hahahahahahahaha." I heard Caramel laugh and i groaned, trust her to find something funny now.

"So whats the problem?" Violet asked.

"The problem is that i like him. Too much maybe." I whispered.

"What?" Violet said.

"WHAT?" Alice.


Here we go.

"Guys listen, i dont like the fact that i like him so much but i cant help it okay i dont even ..." I started saying.

"Whats his name, whats his name?" Caramel started shouting ..

"CARAMEL SHUT UP OR I'M CALLING MOM." Her sister shouted before i could say anything.

"Whats his name?" She whispered and we all burst out laughing.

"Tell me." She hissed.

"Ethan." I said and i heard her go all 'ooooo'.

"I dont get why you liking him is a problem?" Iris said and i groaned.

"Look this has never happened to me before okay, i mean before him my life was just perfect and then he came and now I'm not me anymore, he makes me feel all ... all ... i dont know ... something everytime i meet him and then when i look at his eyes ..." I was cut in again.

"How long have you known him?" Alice asked.

"Two weeks." I whispered and then held the phone away.

"TWO WEEKS? And you are telling us you feel 'something' EVERYTIME?" Alice sounded appaled.

Oh god, why me, why not her?

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