Bonus # 2: Red's Guide to being a good boyfriend to Tweek

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Craig's P.o.v.

In order for me to have Red's blessing to date Tweek is if I meet her in this empty classroom after school. Red walked in with looking like a professor, with a long skirt, a blazer, glasses and her hair tied up in a bun. She pushed her glasses back up to her face. Uh why are you dressed like that, it's pretty weird. Isn't it obvious I'll be teaching you how to be a good boyfriend to Tweek. Uh but you never dated him. She glared at me, WELL I WOULD HAVE IF YOU DIDN'T GET HIM FIRST. Okay okay I'm sorry please teach me. Hmph if you insist. Oh what have I gotten myself into. She walked up to the board and pulled up a list on the board with a heading saying Red's Guide to being a good boyfriend to Tweek. Okay so first on the list is treat him right. Yeah I understand. She nodded her head, next is kiss him everyday. Oh is that really necessary. YES you need to show your love for him and you can always kiss him on his nose, cheek or head. Uh okay. Next when he's sad about something or needs help be the  first person he talks to, like build his trust for you. Yeah that's understandable, you know this is stuff I could get on my own but at least I know she really cares. Next if you happen to break up give Tweek back to Red. Never mind, No Red me and Tweek are staying together well as long as he wants to, I looked away smiling. 

We'll go on lots of dates together and watch our high school life flying by. I breathe out, I can't wait for it. Yeah yeah now your just being cheesy, she smiled at me. Okay okay you fully have my blessing and I'll stop flirting with Tweek..... for now, she giggled and walked away. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom and went to my locker when I closed it, BOO, AAGGGGHHHHH TWEEK you scared the living out of me. I looked at Tweek and how much he was laughing, it made me forgive him. Okay I'm sorry, his laughter died down. Why are you still here. Well I didn't want to go home without you. I smiled, okay lets go home then. He started to pull up his bag and I took that time to kiss him on the cheek. Thanks for waiting for me babe. I turned back and saw him blushing while smoke blew from his ears. D-ddd- ii- dd-- y-ou  jj-just c-cca-ll mme- babe? Yeah is it a problem Tweek. He shaked his head so fast I'm pretty sure he could get whiplash. Come on lets go Spaz. Okay your going to call me that all the time right. What Spaz sure. NO I MEAN BABE, he then blushed even more. Haha okay I will Tweek, I took his hand and intertwined our hands. 

I'm so In love with him

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