But Your My Cousin!!!!

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(I don't know who the green haired guy is but Red looks like the girl in the middle)

Tweek's P.o.v. Okay snacks, laptop and comfy clothes.  I'm ready for my all night  Mob Psycho 100 marathon. Tweek could you come down please, I heard my mom call me from downstairs. Ugh I'll be back soon, I whispered to the paused screen. I made my way down the stairs. When I reached the end of the stairs I saw my mum and dad huddled together until they saw me. Mum Dad? what's going on, they faced me with happy smiles on their faces. Guess who's coming to live with us, my mum asked me. No who. RED, I looked at them with a blank expression before turning away. TWEEK WHERE ARE YOU GOING. Nope not dealing with you guys or HER EVER AGAIN.

I heard the front door open and before I could fully turn around Red pulled me into a tight hug. Oh hey Red it's nice to se- are you sniffing my hair. She whispered in my ear. You smell the same I'm glad you kept that virginity for me. I gulped, I found my way out of her grasp and ran up the stairs to my room and locked it. Uh when can I have a break. I spent the rest of the day cooped up in my room watching Mob Psycho 100 and yes I have a bathroom in my room so I'm good. Knock Knock, Hey Tweek will you please let me in. OH NO ITS THAT CRAZY BITCH. NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE RED, I screamed out to her. Fine your no fun. That might have been rude but seriously I can't stand her.

Red's P.o.v.

I hate how Tweek acts towards me we were so close I don't even know what happened...

Flashback..........  Me and Tweek were so close as children. He used to think of me as his prince charming. What did you call me, I asked Tweek. My prince charming. But I'm a girl, what is wrong with him. No that doesn't matter your so cool and you always protect me, he smiled at me. Isn't that a knight. Uh I guess, he grabbed my hand and started dragging me up to a hill where we watched the sunset. Why did you take me here. Well Its my secret place, he put his finger on his lips while winking. Don't tell anyone okay, he whispered. I blushed and looked away completely, he's too cute. Hey Tweek I prefer being your prince charming forever. He looked at me weirdly. Well that means we'll have to get married. I jolted up, I looked at him. Will you wait for me, I asked. Why, this kid is dense. So we can get married and be together forever. He looked at me and started stroking his chin. Yeah I will, he jumped up and faced the sun. Let's get married in 10 years ok, he faced me smiling. YEAH, we laid down watching the clouds......

Flashback End.....

Okay this is how it actually happened 

Flashback Tweek's P.o.v.

Let's get married, she told me randomly one day. No, I deadpanned. Why not? WE'RE COUSINS!! So, she faced me blushing. IT'S WRONG. Fine, she huffed. She faced me again, can I have your virginity at least. What's a virginity?

Tweek looked it up and Red got a punch in the face....

Tweek's P.o.v. Our family were having dinner. Everyone was quiet till mum spoke. Hey Tweek Red is starting your school. I spit out my food and stared at my mom. Your kidding. No were else would she go. Back home, I muttered, but Red heard me. HEY I'M NOT LEAVING TILL WERE MARRIED. I placed my fork down. 1. We can't get married we're 15 years old, 2. We are COUSINS and 3. I don't like you. Well I guess I'm not leaving till we're 18, she said smugly. Mom do you hear this, my mom was to busy looking happy. You can stay as long as you want, I always wanted a girl, she whispered . Wow thanks mom, I went back to eating dinner. So you have any friends Tweek, my dad asked me. NO. Everyone stared at me surprised. Sorry don't, they don't need to know about my "friends".

Oh god I'm dreading Monday.

Author's Note...

So yeah this became a lot more dramatic than expected. I mean seriously I'm so clichéd.  So yeah let me check I've got the dead mother cliché and the childhood friend love interest cliché . I just hope you guys still enjoy the story despite the clichés 

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