Isn't teenage prostitution illegal?

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Tweek's p.o.v.
Hey Tweek. Uh are you okay?Hey Clyde, I'm fine just had another anime spree overnight. You really need to stop that. I WON'T EVER STOP. Okay,anyway do you have the homework. Yeah,I handed it to him. Thanks man. Also I can't join you for lunch today I have another artistic opportunity. You know you could have just said your blowing me off for graffiti. It's not graffiti. Yeah it is now let's head to class.

At Lunch:
Craig and I were having lunch on the roof. I can't believe we're aloud up here. We're not. Huh y-you didn't t-tell me that before, OH GOD THIS IS TOO MUCH PRESSURE. Calm down Tweek it's okay. He started chuckling. We're not going to get in trouble plus no one will ever know, this is our secret place. I looked at him. He calmed me down immediately, I don't know something about Craig makes me feel good I like this feeling. Okay thanks Craig, I smiled. It's no problem, he smiled back and we went to eat our lunch.
We were just about to leave when we heard the roof door open. I grabbed Craig and hid him.I heard voicesThis is the most private place in the whole school, especially at lunch soo. Fine.From the voices I could tell they were students so we weren't in trouble. Okay there students should we go I whispered to Craig. Shh listen he said.
So how much will a blowjob cost me one of the students said. $50 the other said. That's alot it better be worth it, then the student gave the other the money. Oh god don't tell me there going to do it. Oh they are, Craig smirked. Craig this isn't no joking time do you know what this is. Ugh prostitution? Yeah underage prostitution, which is illegal oh god. Don't worry its not like there's any cops here. It doesn't matter were witnessing underage prostitution. Shh he's reached his orgasm. WH-, Craig covered my mouth to get me to shut up. AAHHH. That was definitely worth it thanks Kenny. Wait is that Kenny McCormick. Don't you mean McWhoremick...  I just gave Craig a blank expression. Geez tough crowd. Huh do you hear something,  one of the students asked. Craig shut the fuck up. I covered his  mouth. Hey who's there. He started walking to where we were hiding. SHIT SHIT SHIT. Hey what are you two doing there. Huh there's someone actually there. Yeah Craig Tucker and.... I'm sorry who are you. Uh me I'm Tweek. Huh never heard of you Kenny replied. Yeah I'm new. Oh well hi I'm Kenny McCormick, he gave me a handshake. Yeah I heard about you from Craig. Hopefully good things but it's Craig so he's an asshole, which is why he can't get laid. But to be fair you are a prostitute. Oh my god Tweek, Craig then started laughing his ass off. What's that supposed to mean. Nothing I'm sorry. It's okay also you better not rat on me for my job. No of course not my lips are sealed. Okay good I trust you. Now I'm off.

At the end of school: The lockers
I can't believe that happened at lunch. Yeah why are all these weird people around me. I don't know but do you want to walk home. I can't I'm walking with Craig. You've been spending a lot of time with him lately,he looked at me suspiciously. Do you like him. As a friend I replied, just because I'm bisexual doesn't mean I like Craig. Okay whatever you say but its still a matter of time bye... What does he mean by its just a matter of time....

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