Uh Hi I'm Tweek?

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Tweek's P.o.v.

Hello my name is Tweek Tweak and I'm 15 years old and I'm about to enter my first year of high school. So let me tell you about myself, I am a shut in otaku and a  spaz, I tend to freak out over the tiniest things but I've learned to except that part of myself and I've cut down on coffee (just a little bit). My dad got a new job in a town called South Park, I've never heard about it before. We moved in a couple hours ago and I'm just on my laptop watching anime. A sudden knock on my door pulls me out from my narration. GAH ITS OPEN I yelled freaking out. Its just me Tweek, it was my mom. She came in and I turned my chair to face her. So what is it mom I asked a lot more calm knowing it was her. Well I came to ask how are you I mean moving into a new place is hard and you probably miss your friends she said worriedly. Nah its okay I don't have friends its too much pressure. Well that's probably why you should start making friends I mean honey its high school the best times of your life... at least make two. I understand mom don't worry I will I told her honestly. Okay I love you, she ruffled my hair before she left. I sighed before I returned to my anime.

The Next Day:

I woke up thanks to my alarm. It was 7am, I got ready surprisingly quickly. I went downstairs to see my mom and dad at the breakfast table. Morning Tweek. Morning Dad, morning mom. I got my cereal and started to eat. You excited honey, my mom asked while having her coffee. Yeah definitely, not really but she doesn't have to know. I finished my breakfast and kissed my mom and waved goodbye to my dad. I walked to school dreading this day.

At school: I arrived at my high school, oh god why am I here its horrible. Everybody there was generic and plain, I saw some kids make out beside a locker. Okay just keep walking Tweek, I made it to the office where I got my papers. I was walking to my locker and just when I opened it the bell rang. SHIT I'm going to be late I thought. I only closed my locker when everybody was gone, I've got to head to class, I was just about to leave when I heard a voice call out. HEY STOP, I thought I was caught when I realized a boy about my age was running from where the voice came. When he saw me he smirked and pushed me along with him to an empty classroom.

You see my locker was next to a empty classroom, how convenient... My mouth was being covered by the boy, I heard the man from before still screaming looking for the boy until his voice became less clear, I'm guessing he went further down the hallway. The boy uncovered my mouth. He sighed, ah the coast is clear he finally said. Oh yeah by the way I'm Clyde. The boy had brown hair and was wearing a black hoodie and white jeans, he was taller than me by a couple inches. Uh hi I'm Tweek? That sounded more like a question he said suspiciously. Well I don't know what you want me to do you basically dragged me into this empty classroom with no word whatsoever also why was he chasing you. Well I was caught making art he said dramatically. So you graffitied. Yeah, he looked away awkwardly. Anyway yeah can I go now. Oh yeah I just didn't want you blowing my cover, he then pulled out a taco from his pocket, took a bite and winked at me and left. Weirdo I thought and went to class, because I was late I got detention. ON MY FIRST DAY WTF...


I walked into the detention room scared shitless. Hey don't judge I've never been to detention before so I was terrified. I looked around and It was the usual bad looking kids, so I got my bag and took out a blank sheet and started drawing. One kid who was pretty tall (6ft 1) ended up walking into the detention room. He had dark black hair with peircings on his lip, he also had a not caring attitude that made him seem cool. Everyone rose up, even the teacher but they kept their head down, is this normal. The mysterious kid was passing my table till he stopped and looked at my drawing. He stared intently until he looked at me.

You can't draw for shit...

He then walked away like nothing happened. I know I'm not the best at drawing but seriously that's messed up. HEY WHAT THE HELL, I stood up and walked to give this asshole a peace of my mind but I tripped on his back and unexpectedly fell on top of him and we kissed, I'm pretty sure I saw a blush on his cheeks...... After that I kept my distance at detention. AH THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS

He was crying like an anime character

The End Of Detention: I was walking out of school, specifically I was at the gate. GAH, that detention guy from earlier was there smirking at me. WHAT HOW DID YOU GET THERE SO FAST. Calm down spaz I've decided to make you an offering. What is it, I admit I was interested. Join my gang.......

No thanks I deadpanned.

Author's Note: So this is kind of a rom com and I'll introduce characters later

The Adventures Of Tweek TweakTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon