Chapter 13:

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"Well I think we bought just about the whole damn mall" maddy said

"I conquer" I replied in a posh voice. that made us all laugh

We walked to my car put everything in the trunk and hopped in. its already 6:30 so the guys should be home soon

I turned on the radio even though we are almost home and 'wmyb' came on. we start singing as we pull into the drive way

Maddy's p.o.v


We grabbed our bags out of the trunk and made our way to the back door.

I remind you we are still scream/singing our hearts out to 'wmyb' I opened the door and walk in and we see him thee Simon Cowell

Sitting on our very couch

meanwhile kara and Jessica still havnt noticed....I elbowed kara in the ribs and slapped jess in the arm

"ow what the fu-" kara said but then realized why I did that

right now the boys can hardly keep themselves together harry niall and liam are on the ground laughing so hard while Louis and zayn a standing while bent over trying to catch thier breaths.

"well this is embarrassing" Jessica blurts out which makes everyone laugh

Mr. Cowell gets and walks in our direction.

"Simon Cowell its very nice to finally meet you gals I've heard a lot about all of you" he said as he shook our hands while we introduced ourselves

"if you could please fallow me" he said as we made our way to the living room

all the guys were just sitting their and they all had cheeky grins on their faces which was really creepy

we took our seats and Mr. Cowell started talking

"so gals the lads here have told me a lot about you and they have also shared some videos of you singing" he started....that's when I gave harry I a playful glare.

"I have shared the videos with my associates and we are willing to give you opportunity of your first album" he continued

"if you were to take this deal we would need a full 12 song album no later than December 27th and a name for your group in 2 weeks"

"do we have a deal?" he asked

I looked at the expressions on Kara and Jessica's  faces and I was quit amused.

"yes, we have a deal" I said with excitement

"this is wonderful, I will have more information with this as time comes and I hope to see everyone soon" Mr. Cowell said as he stood up

"thank you so much Mr. Cowell" jess said and me and Kara added our thank you's

"please call me Simon or uncle Si like the boys do" stated with a bit of a chuckle

"I must be going it was wonderful to meat you and I will hopefully see you soon" he said and stepped out of the flat

"this is unbelievable" Kara screamed jumping up and down

jess was standing in the corner hugging Liam while tears of joy streamed down her face

I looked over and harry was starring right at me with the cheekiest expression on his face I ran over to him, he wrapped his arms around me and we just stood there for a good 3 minutes till I said something

"thank you" I whispered in his ear

"anything for my girl" he whispered back 

"THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!!!!!" Louis screamed with beer bottles in his hands as he ran around the flat. that made us all laugh

"Holy shit we can drink "i said dumbfounded

"why didn't we think of this earlier" jess said

"this whole damn time we have been here and we still haven't realized that" kara said as we all started laughing

"so you mean to tell me that you guys have never drank before?" zayn asked

"when I realized we could drink and I said that I meant legally" I said all sassily

"no need for the sass" zayn said with a chuckle

Louis gasped "their is always a need for the sass" he said as he put his hands on his hips

"thanks Lou" I chuckled and grabbed a bear from him as did everyone else

"oh my gosh do you remember the time Kara star-"jess tried to say as Kara clasped her hand over her mouth

"Oh yes I sure I do remember that night but frankly only parts" I said giggling like a little kid

all the guys had confused expressions on their faces

"Kara I'm only doing this because I love you" I said and began telling the story

kara gave up asking me not to......"this so embarrassing, but if you get to tell them this then I get to pick something embarrassing about you" she said

"damn,.....fine I don't care" I said

"would you just tell us the story already" Niall said

"okay okay so this one night we went to this party I'm pretty sure it was the summer before junior lets just say we were all a drunk to say the least but Kara...she was shit faced, she ran around screaming that the little green and purple leprechauns were trying to eat her and she ended up tripping didn't even bother to get up.....she fell asleep right their on the beach and mine and jessicas drunk asses had to carry her back to the car" I told the story and everyone was laughing hysterically even the victim of the story, kara her cheeks looked like tomatoes

"well lets not forget the time we were at Drew's bonfire" kara said with a smirk

"I wil pay you not to tell that story" I stared at her to see if she would give in but nope

"okay so this one time we were at  this kid drew's bonfire he was having and Maddy had to much to drink like way to much.....she ran around screaming IM SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS AND IM A SEXY GOOFY GOOBER" Kara said and harry was on the ground crying he was laughing so hard

"thanks Kara I really appreciate your kindness"

"anything for my bestie" she giggled and took a sip of her bear

"alright well since we have drunk stories about you to what about Jess?" Liam asked and Jess froze right were she was and turned towards me and Kara we looked at each other and new the perfect story

"well if you must know" I started

"oh my god I'm seriously going to kill you if you tell them that story" jess said and she looked terrified

"im willing to take that chance" I put on a cheeky smile and Kara started the story instead

"so us 3 were at a hotel in Cali, we decided to go their for sprig break junior year and we had this girl get the drinks" she pointed to me "we were all pretty tipsy but jess was drunk off her ass, and she got up and ran out of the hotel room so me and Maddy followed her," she stopped to laugh at the situation she was explaining " she ran up and down the hallways at 3:00 in the morning screaming, and I quote 'Liam Payne is sexier then chocolate chip cookies'" by now the guys were rolling on the ground and laughing so hard that they were crying and jess was just sitting their with her hands covering her face but you could clearly see that her face was redder then a tomato, and 10 times worse then Kara's were

we all sat their telling different stories about each other weather they were drunk stories or not

we just had a good time drinking and relaxing and enjoying the night


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