Chapter 11:

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Kara's P.O.V


we were all just sitting here waiting for maddys call, right when I was about to say something mine and harrys phone started ringing

we both answered and put it on speaker

we told everyone to quiet down because now they were all mumbling to each other.

we were listening and then just like that, all hell broke loose they was screaming and shots?.......GUN SHOTS!!!

We heard someone scream maddys name and then the line went dead.

by this time we were all running towards the door

we got to harrys car everyone hopped in and we made our way until we saw something we never wanted to.......Police and ambulances everywhere..

and then their she was Katie just sitting their with a what looks like lifeless Maddy In her arms....

by now everyone was in tears.....

I ran out of the car as jess followed right behind me.

we tried making our way over to Katie and maddy but we were held back by police.

we tried telling them who we were but they didn't listen.

we watched as everything happened maddy was just covered in blood and so was Katie. they took maddy and put her on a stretcher and loaded her into an ambulance and took off to the hospital

Katie just sat their, starring off into space.

me and Jessica made it past the police and ran over to Katie took ahold of her and held her in our arms and just cried for what seemed like hours without saying a word.

"I missed you...."Katie said

"we missed you to" jess said

we were silent till the police came over to us and questioned all of us even the guys.

"alright guys we better head to the hospital!" I said frantically while harry was already halfway back to the car..

~at the hospital~

I've been sitting here thinking for 5 hours and haven't heard anything from the doctors. all we know is that maddy is in critical condition and is currently in emergency surgery we know nothing else other than that.

Katie on the other hand also had to be put underway of surgery she had 3 broken ribs that needed to be re aligned and a cut on her back that needed stitches.

know one has said a word to each other we are just sitting here once in a while letting out a quiet sob or sniffle...

then the doctor came out with Katie in a wheel chair a cast on her wrist? wait what happened their? and a brace around her torso.

"everything is okay but we did end up finding out that her wrist is broken so we went ahead and put a cast on it." the doctor said

"thank you so much, oh and have you heard anything about Maddison" I asked

"yes, she has just come out of surgery but that's all I know. there will be another doctor coming out shortly to notify you of whats going on."

"okay thank you so much" I said and wheeled Katie over to all of us

"hey or hi" everyone said

Katie gave a half smile but didn't say anything

~3 hours later (currently 8:00 am)~

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