Chapter 9: Date Night<3

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Kara's P.O.V


its been about a month since Niall asked me out, we are now just going on an official date. the reason why it wasn't sooner was because the guys have a new album coming out soon and they have been really busy with recording.

he's taking me to a movie and its supposed to be scary so he says, so right now I'm sorta freaking out because I hate scary movies. But I have no time to think about that right now.

I'm wearing a pink skater skirt with a white quarter length sleeve lace shirt black tights and my white vans. Maddy did my makeup with a light smokey eye and a light pink lip gloss, it wasn't much but just enough. Jess curled my Hair and pinned part of it back.

"thank you guys so much I cant wai-" 

DING DONG sounds the door bell signaling that Harry Liam and Niall are here. Harry and Liam decided to come over and hangout while me and niall are on our Date.

"I guess their here now" I said while lightly giggling to myself. God why am I so giddy all of a sudden.

I got up and went downstairs with Maddy and Jess following behind.

I got to the door and opened it three goofs I call my friends and one my boyfriend....ahhh I still cant believe it.

"hello" I said

"hey Princess. wow you look beautiful." he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. wow hes a tease

"are we ready" I asked

"I think so. lets go im hungry" he said all giddily

"Nialler when aren't you hungry?"  I asked while laughing

"that's a good question" he responded while laughing also as we were walking out the door but then maddy and jess yelled

"USE PROTECTION" which made me laugh

"haha very funny you little assholes"

"love you to bitch" she said back all sassy like and then everyone started laughing and then we left

Jessica's P.O.V


"so what are we going to do" I asked

"uumm why don't we just watch a movie" Liam suggested

"why not" harry said"

"GIRLS PICK THE MOVIE" maddy yelled and ran into the living room

"damn somebody had to much pageant crack" Harry said (for those of you who don't know what pageant crack is, its a pixie stick or a sugar filled paper stick)

"I know where you live Styles" maddy threatened playfully

"and I know where you keep the oreos" harry added

(maddy loves oreos)

"YOU WOULDNT DARE" SHE she raised her voice

know body and I mean know body messes with maddys oreos she actually bit me once. shes worse than Kara and her love of popcorn

Hary ran in the kitchen grabbed the oreos and then ran uo the stairs and maddy was already on his tail


"well I guess its just you and me for right now" I said to Liam

"fine by me" he said with a cheeky smile. god I love his smile

I picked a Frozen as our movie and we sat down, cuddled and watched the movie.


"yeah Lili" I said

"I love you" he said and then kissed me

"I love you more" I said as he pulled away from the kiss

Maddy's P.O.V


I finally got my Oreos back after I threatened to straighten Harrys luscious and perfect curls. he was not going to let that happen so I took my Oreos and hid them from him

right now we are all cuddled up in blankets just laying in my bed while he played with my hair.

and then I started thinking about the both of us I love him I mean he hasn't said he loves me but I think I love no I know I love him. they way he cares for me and listens to the things  have to and how happy he makes me. I light up when ever im around him and I always get these little butterflies whenever we touch or how giddy I am when we are near each other. before I even thought it through I asked him


"yeah babe" he said god he knows I love it when he calls me that

"what would you say if I said I loved you?" I said shakily

"then I would say i Love you more because its true" he said truthfully

I looked up and saw the biggest smile plastered across his face which made me smile just as big and before I could say anything else his lips collided with mine things got pretty heated but not to the point where we 'did' anything (I know what you where thinking you lil nastys)

I pulled away from our kiss and said

"I love you" and im sure I had the biggest smile beacause harry returned with one to

"I love you more" he said and kissed the top of my head

soon after that I felt him drifting off to sleep because his breathing was getting heavier and he had stopped playing with my hair (Damn) I loved when he played with my hair. soon after that I started drifting off to sleep as well.

Kara's P.O.V


the movie just ended and im scared out of my mind that the monster is gonna come out from under my bed and scare the absolute fucking shit outta me like it did to the crazy little girl in the movie

"Karbear its alright I wont let the monster get you" niall said

"good cuz if you did I would be very unhappy with you" I said while slightly laughing while the other half of me was scared shitless 

we got to the car and hopped in after niall held the door open for me to get in like the gentlemen he is of course

even though the movie was very scary I still had a good time while I buried my face into nialls chest and he held me.

Niall grabbed my hand and started rubbing little circles into it

"I love you" he said

"I love you more" I replied and then I found my self drifting off to sleep

we must have arrived back at my flat because I felt niall let go of my hand and his car door open, jus as I was about to open my door he opened it and picked me up

"its okay princess I know your tired go back to sleep" he said and kissed my forehead

so I did as he said

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