chapter 3: HOLY F*** I MEAN FLAT

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We walked into our new flat and Kara and Jessica were astonished, so was i but i knew what it looked like already i picked it out because i wanted to suprise them. 

the looks on their faces were priceless

"so what do you think" I said cheerfully

"Maddy this is amazing" Jessica said

"this is so cool!!" kara said

"well I have three more suprises, are you ready to see them" I asked trying to hold in my excitement

"YES SHOW US NOW" Jessica screamed as I walked to one of their suprises.



















"OMG this is amazayn" they both exclaimed when we walked into our studio. one of jessicas wishes was to have a dance studio near by, and kara wanted a recording studio so I combined the two

recording on the left dance on the right

they both gave me hug while jumping up and down " thak you so much" they said

"are you ready for the last surprise?" I asked

"if its as fantastic as this one  then yes, yes I am" Jessica said while trying to put on the most serious face possible. we all busted out laughing as we walked out of the studio

"so earlier when we arrived their was a reason  we came threw the back" i said while opening the door to the surprise  

"OMG MADDY ARE YOU SERIUS RIGHT NOW " they both said in unison...-_-...creepy

""yup and I know how much we all wanted this so I couldn't pass it up" I said

"lets walk out front I want you to see something" I said while walking out of the building while they followed

when we walked out kara and jessicas mouths dropped open when they saw the sign

it read-

'MKJ's Bakery'  (maddy kara and jessicas bakery)

"Thank you so much Maddy we love it" kara said

"this is amazing" Jessica added

"well lets get working on this we could have it done in no time" I said

"lets do some shopping and decorate" Jessica said

"let's do DIS" kara said


we came back with paint, tables chairs, a couch, and a whole bunch of other cool decorative items.


the walls were now lime green except one was teal. Their were black tables and chairs and black and white zigg zagged vases at each table with flowers in them

"what a splendid job we have done ladies" I said in the most posh voice possible

"Indeed we have" kara said back in the same voice we all started laughing

"well im officially exhausted, I think im going to bed" I said

"alright good night" I added

"don't die" jess said

"or let a serial killer kill you" kara added

"ill certainly try not let anything kill me" i said while laughing and they did to


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                              -Maddy, Kara, and Jessica

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