Chapter 9

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Your eyes opened to a room filled with sunlight, and the sound of light snoring beside you. In the hazy moments between sleep and waking, you thought it had been a dream. Daryl was laying on his side next to you, his arm draped loosely across your stomach. You didn't want to move. His face was covered by his hair, but you studied him anyway, watching each rise and fall of his chest.

One night with Daryl, and you felt like you were waking up to a brand-new dawn. There was a feeling of hope and excitement at what came next. But right for that moment, you wanted this to last just a little longer.

Daryl started to stir, his eyes opening and focusing on you. A smirk played at the corner of his lips, like maybe he thought it had been a dream too, but just realized how real it was.

"Mornin'," he grunted, as he sat up and shook the hair from his eyes.

"Morning," you smiled back, suddenly feeling shy around him.

You leaned him to kiss him, and the sound of your door opening causing you to jump back and pull the covers up before you could.

"Well, I guess yesterday was a fluke..." Carol said as she once again bounded into your room without knocking.

"Carol!" You shouted and looked at Daryl, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Carol saw you in the bed, then a moment later noticed Daryl. In all the time you've known her, seeing Carol off her game wasn't normal. Her expression after realizing what had happened there was one you'd never see again and part of you enjoyed the fact that you made her speechless, especially after all the speeches she'd been giving you lately. It didn't last long though, as her surprise gave way to a smirk.

"Well, took you long enough," she said shaking her head, face still slightly flushed. Carol turned back towards the door. "I'll be sure to make something extra for breakfast. Clearly you two will need the extra sustenance for today's run."

After she left, Daryl rolled over and buried his face in your neck. When he finally could look at you, his face was still flush, but he was smiling.

"So much for keeping it quiet," he said, starting to sit up.

"Is that what you were hoping for?" A moment of doubt started to trickling in. Maybe it was just about sex, you thought, maybe all he wanted was...

You sat up and moved next to him on the edge of the bed. Daryl rubbed his hands over his face and sighed a low purring growl.

"No, I don't," he said putting his arm around your shoulders. "Just not ready to let the world in here, that's all."

You felt yourself melt back into him. The familiar feeling of not wanting to leave your bed set in, but this time the reasons were exponentially different.

The smell of the oatmeal and eggs rose from the kitchen, causing both you and Daryl to feel your stomach rumble. After getting dressed you went downstairs together to find almost everyone in the house eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Mornin'" Rick said as you entered the kitchen, followed by Daryl.

"Morning," you replied without meeting his eyes. You looked over at Carol who was busying herself with Judith and completely avoiding your gaze.

Everyone ate quickly and quietly. Once breakfast was done, Rick and Daryl left with Michonne to get the cars ready, but you stayed behind for a moment.

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