Shadow Life Chapter 11

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Shadow Life

Chapter 11

Christian's POV 7:00 am Christian's Study at Escala

When we wake up later in the morning my arms are still wrapped around Ana. I realize I could really get use to waking up like this every morning. Then I realize I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to calm down and think logically, not with my "other brain", which is at attention up against Ana backside this morning. I know we are a long way off from me ever sleeping with Ana in that way, if ever. She may never want to be with me in that way, and if that's the case, I will have to learn to live with that choice, but I must remind myself we are not even to that step in our relationship yet. We still need to build trust with each other before we can move on to a loving relationship. But, with all my heart I hope one she will tell me that she loves me just as much as I love her, one day soon.

I look down at Ana in my arms, wishing she could always look this peaceful. I gently kiss her cheek and untangle myself from her grasp and get out of bed. I decide I need to call Dr. Flynn and talk to someone that can help me navigate my Ana situation, to give me a unique perspective and guidance. I sit at my desk and wake up my computer, trying to get the courage up to speak with Flynn because, once I tell him everything about my brother's roll in Ana's kidnapping, there is no going back. He will want to dig into the topic full force. As I am opening my e-mail, I notice an urgent e-mail from my second in command, my Chief Operation Officer, Roz Bailey. As I open and read through the e-mail further, my heart sinks. There is a problem with our East Asia deal. It has hit a snag and the deal is about to go south. She is strongly suggesting that I head to Asia to salvage this deal we have worked so hard on.

As I finish reading Roz's e-mail, torn because this deal means a lot to GEH and I would hate to lose it after so much challenging work has gone into it, but my heart tells me to stay with Ana, that she could not handle being separated from me right now, at this moment. And right now, at this moment, I don't really want to leave her either. But I need to think about my response, so I decide to put that aside for now and call John. The phone rings and he picks up on the second ring.

"Dr. Flynn"

"John, it's Christian Grey."

"Christian, what can I help you with?"

"Well, something miraculous has happened lately."

"Christian, what happened?"

"As you know, I have been looking for my Anastasia for many years now."

"Yes, of course, I remember many of our sessions talking about her kidnapping with you. Has some additional information come to light?"

"You won't believe what I'm about to tell you."

"Christian, what's going on?"

"I don't really believe it myself. I really don't."

"Christian, focus please."

"Sorry, John, I'm still trying to process everything that has happened recently in such a short amount of time."

"Care to fill me in? You're talking in circles, Christian."

"John, I found her! I found my Anastasia."

"Christian, slow down and say that again for me."

Christian lets out a frustrated sigh.

"John, I found her, I found Anastasia."

"Christian, how did you find her? Where? And When?

"I was at one of Elena's party's looking for a new submissive when I found her there."

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