Chapter 9

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Shadow Life

Chapter 9

Christian's POV:

I am drowning in research trying to track down the monster that is Jack Hyde. How I can be related to such a monster scares me to death. I consider myself a monster because of my past, but Jack is truly a monster torturing an innocent young girl because he wanted revenge on a brother that went through just as much pain as he did at an early age.

I mean I was the pimp's ashtray for God sake, and I have the scars to prove it still on my chest and back as a constant reminder. I was the one that would get kicked, punched, and burned by the bastard. Jack was always too big for the pimp to push around. He could fight back and the pimp wanted someone that was defenseless, and at four years old I was an easy target. Plus, I was left with our mother's dead body for four days without Jack around because he was out on the streets doing God knows what, and he never came back. Four days later I was found with our mother's dead body by the pimp.

I come out of my daze or flashback finding my mind a jumbled mess. I haven't thought about that time of my life in forever, but I guess finding out my brother was the cause of all Ana's and my pain the last six years brought everything back to the surface of my mind. I push away from my computer keyboard in frustration because I can't find anything on Jack Hyde or Jose Rodriguez. It's like in the last six years they never existed, or fell off the radar somehow. But, I am not giving up. I think to make any headway I am going to need Ana to give me more in-depth information.

I hate that I must get Ana to talk about the past and that time again, but I need to find these monsters for her piece of mind, and mine. But I'm not going to bombard her with telling me everything all at once. That would just cause her to shut down and that wouldn't get us anywhere. I'm sure there is a lot more darkness in her ordeal then she even divulged to the police. But, before I ask Ana for more information, I want to go down every avenue possible. My next best bet is Taylor because he can consider things discreetly. With the decision to get Taylor to track down these scums, I push away from my desk and head to the kitchen.

I see Gail at the kitchen island cutting up some fruit for dinner tonight.

"Mr. Grey, what can I get you this morning for breakfast?"

"A Denver omelet, please Gail."

"Coming right up and for your guest?"

"Oh, Gail, I'm sorry. I forgot to fill you in about Ana, didn't I? I'm sure you know from Taylor, and my gruffness and walls that have been up over the last six years, that part of me has been missing. Taylor and I found Ana the night before last at an event I was at.

Ana was kidnapped six years ago, and the police just thought she was a runaway and didn't really investigate. Her mom and dad gave up hope after so many years with no new leads and no additional information on her whereabouts, but I never did. Ana has always been the missing part of me and, now that I found her, I am going to help her heal and, in time, confess my love to her, and never let her go."

"Oh, God, sir, I knew there was a reason you were so gruff and standoffish and had a wall up around you. I figured there was a reason you partook in the lifestyle you did and kept everyone, including your family, at arm's length. I'm glad you could find Ana and that you feel whole again. What can I do to make Ana's stay here more comfortable and make her feel safe and at home here?"

"Gail, all I can suggest is be patient and don't push her too much. Right now, she is only talking to me, but just barely."

"What about her diet?"

Shadow LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora