Chapter 8

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Christian's POV:

I listen to the pain and torture my sweet Ana has been through, and it makes me sick. All I can think is how this is all my fault, how none of this would have happened if there was no connection between Ana and I. The one other thought that keeps going through my mind is Jack Hyde. How could I not remember having a brother? Yes, that time of my life was and is traumatizing, but how could I forget I had a brother? How could my mind block out such an important piece of information to my life?

I feel Ana shaking in my arms, and I am brought back to the present, back to Ana. I hug her and whisper in her ear.

"Baby, let's go to my room so you can rest okay."

I feel Ana nod against my chest. I turn to Detective Benson and point to my bedroom to indicate where we'll be. I see her nod and grab her things and get ready to leave, but before she does, she turns to me.

"Mr. Grey, if I need any more information from Ana, I'll be in touch."

I nod and take Ana's hand and we head to my bedroom. I slowly lead Ana to sit on the bench at the end of the bed while I pull back the covers so that she can rest. I can see what reliving the past has done to her, and all I want to do is protect her and find the lowlife scum that hurt my angel. After the bed is turned back, I lead Ana to the bed and help her get in.

"Angel, I'll be right back. Ok? I need to speak to my mother. You close your eyes and try and rest, please."

I feel Ana take my hand in a death grip, and I see tears in her eyes, and that breaks my heart into a million pieces.

"Baby, I promise I'll be right back.

I see Ana slowly nod and release my hand. I kiss her on the forehead and leave the room.

As I enter the kitchen, I see Gail and my mother cooking something that that smells heavenly. I watch for a moment as my mother is comfortable in my kitchen. I realize my mother has always been there even when I never realized it before, when I was pushing people away because of my chosen lifestyle in the past. It was easier to be alone. She finally looks up and notices me.

"Oh, Christian, how's Ana, darling?"

"She's asleep. Today took a lot out of her."

"I bet."

"Mother, I am so lost about how to process all this information. Did you and Dad know I had a brother, before you adopted me?

"Christian, if we had known, we would have taken him in as well. The way you grew up, no child should live like that.

"As you know, I try and forget that time of my life."

"I know, my darling boy. I wish you never had to live like that, I truly do."

"I have flashes of back then but mostly in my nightmares, Mother."

"Oh, my sweet boy."

"I sort of remember an older boy, but he was never referred to as in relation to me."

"Christian, in regard to what Ana said, were you really referred to as maggot?"

"Yes, I didn't have a name until you and Dad gave me my name."

"Oh, my sweet boy, I'm so glad you're my son. Now, I don't want to think about if I had never seen you at the hospital that night."

"I thank God every day that you found me that night. I really do."

"What are you going to do about what you learned today?"

"Truthfully, I want to track down Jack Hyde and Jose Rodriguez and hurt them both for hurting Ana. But, then I feel guilty because it was because of me that Ana became a target and endured all this pain the last six years."

"Christian, none of this is your fault. The blame rests with those men that kidnapped Ana."

"I know those monsters are responsible, Mother. I just wish I could have saved Ana sooner."

"Christian, what matters now is that you did find her, and brought her to somewhere safe, back to people that care about her, and that will help her heal."

"I just hope I can be the support she needs."

"Oh, my darling, of course you can. Have you thought anymore about contacting Ray and Carla?"

"I plan to, but I need to get Ana settled first."

"I understand"

"I don't want to overwhelm her too fast yet."

Grace looks down at her wrist, at her watch.

"Oh, it's getting late. I better go. Call me if you need anything day or night, and you'll do just fine with Ana. Christian, just be there for her and you will help her heal, you'll see."

"Thank you, Mom."

I kiss my mother on the cheek and walk her back to the elevator and say goodbye.

I pace my kitchen, trying to come up with a plan to go after Jack and Jose, when I hear a scream that makes my blood run cold in my veins. I run to my bedroom. As I open the door, what I see breaks my heart. Ana has the sheets wrapped around her tightly. She is screaming, and telling someone to stop and let her die. Without thinking, I move forward and untangle the covers from her and try to wake her up.

"Ana, baby, wake up. You're safe. Those monsters are in your dreams. You're safe, baby. Please wakeup, let me see those beautiful blue eyes."

Ana is still struggling to come back to consciousness.

"Baby, listen to my voice, you're safe, I promise. "

I try to pull her into my arms, but Ana pushes me away roughly, with such force I nearly fall off the bed, but I catch myself and just sit by Ana, hoping I will be able to wake her up somehow. I decide to try and wake her up slowly.

"Baby, come back to me. Open your eyes."

I can see her start to come around slowly.

"That's right, baby, come back to me. I promise I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you're safe with me."

Finally, Ana opens her eyes, and all I can see in them is fear and sadness. When Ana finally realizes that she is no longer in that horrible nightmare, she latches on to me for dear life, and I hold her just as tightly.

"Ana, sweetheart, you're safe. You're with me. I will not let anything bad happen to you ever again. I promise you, I will protect you until my last breath leaves my body."

Ana just sobs into my chest, and I gently lay us down on the bed.

"Shhh, baby, calm down. I have you. Relax and let the nightmare leave your mind. Try and go back to sleep. I've got you. I'll stay all night, baby, just try and sleep. I'll do my best to chase the monsters away."

I finally feel Ana relax and drift into a fitful sleep. I follow not too long after, keeping guard over my angel to keep her nightmares at bay.

The next morning, I wake up when the sun hits me in the eyes because I forgot to bring down the shades last night. I see that Ana is still asleep, so I untangle myself from her and the bed, get up, softly shut the bedroom door, and head to my home office to start tracking down those monsters that hurt my Ana. Truthfully, I don't trust the police not to fuck up this investigation. I mean they couldn't find Ana in the six years she was missing. I want those monsters off the street as soon as possible. I will use all my resources at my disposal to track them down and extract my revenge for hurting the woman I love with all my heart.

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