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"Maya? Where are we?"

Reyna took the boy's hand, leading him forward, further into the dark.
"You trust me, don't you?"

He chuckled, "Of course I do, I just don't understand why we're out in the woods in the middle of the night."

The leaves crinkled below the two teenagers, sounding like glass crunching beneath their shoes.
Another day, another lure. Felix and Reyna had been doing this for more than a few years now. However, usually, they would just hunt them down and then kill them. After that, they would make them disappear, their bodies never to be found.

Their mentor currently had them in training to take down some much bigger fish in a more interesting pond. The way she spoke about them, it definitely sounded like they were going to be a challenge, but the Vázquez siblings liked a challenge.

This time, she wanted them to gain the trust of their target first, and then kill them. The ones that she had them preparing for were a big pack and rather dangerous, so starting with small fry like the boy Reyna was leading into the woods was just batting practice. Their mentor had told them that gaining their trust first would be the easiest way of picking them off this bigger pack.

Felix and Reyna had been working the town they were in for just over a month. It really hadn't taken Reyna long to get the boy to speak to her - a pretty smile and some pretty words go a long way. But by the sounds of the new town, she knew it wasn't going to be so easy.

"Come on, Charlie. You trusted me with a secret, now I want to trust you with one," Reyna told him gently.

Charlie's head lolled to the side, "You can't possibly have a secret that trumps mine." His eyes glowed a golden yellow, shining in the dark as he smirked.
Charlie was a werewolf; something he had revealed to the girl last week under the impression that she wasn't already completely aware of that.

Little did he know, the Vázquez had been targeting him the whole time. Their mentor would find them a werewolf, and then give them their assignment. It was pretty straightforward, and the brother and sister duo had it down-pat at this point.

Trick naive young werewolves into believing you're trustworthy, then kill them. There wasn't much more to it, really.

"Well, you may be right, but I'm sure I can try." Reyna gave him a small smile, trying not to give herself away. She was a huntress, not an actress therefore, sometimes she could get a bit carried away.

Eventually, they found themselves at a secluded cabin, the windows glowing with warm yellow light. The girl could tell the more curious part of his personality was getting the better of him as he kept walking by her side.
"Are you sure no one is here, Maya? I thought I heard something," he glanced around them cautiously as she walked up and opened the door.

Glass Hearts ▶ Liam Dunbar [coming one day]Where stories live. Discover now