2 - The Nightmare Turned Good

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Dad sat on my bed criss-cross applesauce

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Dad sat on my bed criss-cross applesauce. Watching as I packed my duffle bag with my clothes and other stuff for the mission. He made sure I didn't forget anything important like phone chargers and hats to help hide my eyes in public.

"Hey Dad, do you think the ship could be cybertronian?" I ask out of curiosity.

He shrugged, "Dunno, maybe. I'm not going to get my hopes up after all these years kiddo. I've come to learn that most alien life forms can't make it through Earth's atmosphere. The only ones I know that can are cybertronians and humans." It was true. Most foreign extraterrestrials that have landed here have died. The military has covered it up very well though. They have people from NASA come in and investigate false evidence and reports. Then they would report to the public that it was a false alarm, just a meteor or something like that.

I grabbed my pajamas and went to the bathroom to change. After taking off my sweatshirt I noticed something on my forearm. It looked almost like a bruise, but more defined. Kind of like a smudged symbol in the form of a bruise. I let it go hoping it would just go away so I could avoid a doctor. After putting on my new clothes I walk out of the bathroom to see Dad sitting with his back on the bed and his feet on the headboard. "What are you doing?" I laugh. He puts his head back to look at me and gives me a wide grin.

"Nothin', what are you doing?" He jokes.

"You are the weirdest person I know. I swear you go from a kick-ass Autobot to a weird ass Dad in like two seconds." I say with a smile. Then I notice I'm still holding on to my dirty clothes and toss them in the hamper like a basketball. Dad gets up off the bed and gives me a hug before saying, "It's ok because I'm your weird ass Dad and I love you. Good night kid."

Dad ruffles my hair and walks out of the room. He prefers to sleep in the barn in his alt form. We built it a couple years ago so he had a comfortable place to sleep instead of the garage.

*Time Skip - 2:30 AM*
~Inside the nightmare~
I woke up in a dark room. There was nothing to be seen and I couldn't move from my spot. I was strapped to a table. Then someone opened a door and light poured into the room. I saw the table next to me, filled with syringes and sharp tools. The person walked towards me and when I looked up, they had no face. Every time I had this nightmare, no one had faces. It's almost like I couldn't remember what they looked like, except when I was awake they were as clear as day.

He cut and poked and cut and poked for what seemed like hours. It was no different this time than the past. He tortured and then I woke up. So when he went to leave the room I expected to wake up in a cold sweat, but not this time. This time it went longer after he left, and I was left on the table. I could feel the blood running off the cool metal and onto the floor. Someone new came in this time, but he wasn't human. He was cybertronian. This mech ran to the table and hovered above my body with shaking hands. Then he picked me up off the table, but I passed out.

I woke up again, but this time in some sort of a sickbay. What I saw left me awe-struck. This place was massive and it gave off an ancient, yet beautiful feel. Then I saw the mech again outside the door talking to ten others. He had pearly white armor and wielded a large sword on his back. I could tell he was their leader because of how he stood, strong and noble. They spoke for a while. Once they were done, he came to the sickbay and noticed I was awake. Calling the others over, he started talking to me. "Young one do you know why you are here?" I shook my head no.

Then a floating green mech came closer. "Child, tomorrow you have a mission with your sire, correct?" I nod. He nods in return, "this mission will be very important. I will assume you noticed the marking on your forearm, right?" I nodded again.

Then another with a big hammer across her back came to the bed. "When the time is right, you will need to present this marking. But, for now, you must hide it. If the wrong people were to find that you have it, they would surely kill you." She then held out her servo and opened it. There sat a black jacket. "Wear this and you will be able to avoid its detection. Plus, it has more protection and a special mechanism for when the time comes."

"Thank you" I speak in cybertronian, hoping it's clear enough to comprehend.

"You are welcome, child. Now return and have good luck on your mission with your sire." They all said their goodbyes and sent me off.

*Out of Dreamscape*
I woke up with a cold sweat and saw the jacket hanging on my desk chair. I thought about the mechs from my dream and made the connection. They were the original Primes although there was only ten  of the thirteen there. The leader was Prima, wielder of the Star Saber and first born on Cybertron. The green one was Micronus, Prime of the Mini-cons. Solus Prime had been the one with the hammer, the Prime of the forge.

It had just now dawned on me that I had just met the Primes! I looked at the mark on my arm and it had become more defined and it was black. The mark was two ancient cybertronian letters that I didn't know how to read. I had to hide it from people, which wouldn't be very hard now that the Primes had given me the jacket.

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