"Luke!" Harry shouts once he notices my presence. "This food is so good! We did a great job." He smiled.

"That's good." I smile, sitting next to him at the small stools they had around their island. Ashton was sat across from us, eating some of the potpie also.

"I'm impressed." Ashton shrugs. "This is better than my mom's recipe."

"Thanks." I mutter.

"Do you want any?" Harry asks and I shake my head lightly.

"No thanks."

"Oh," he shrugs before taking another bite of his food. "What are we doing after dinner?"

"Well, you're gonna take a shower." I chuckled, ruffling up his hair to get some of the flour out.

"Then what?" He asks.

"We'll decide after that." I shrug.

"Okay," he smiled wide. "Could we maybe sit in my room and watch a movie?"

I nod, "yeah, sure."

"Can we watch Transformers?" His face lit up and I laughed.

"Yes, we can watch Transformers."

"Awesome!" He cheers. "Ashton, are you going to watch Transformers with us?"

"I'm not sure." He mutters, glancing over at me. "I have some homework and stuff I have to do. I have to shower too, ya know."

"Think about it, please? I really want you to watch the movie with us. You said it used to be your favourite." Harry says and Ashton nods a bit.

"Yeah, fine. I'm sure I can finish my homework by the time you get out of the shower."

"Why don't you bring me the movie when you're done eating and I'll set it up while you're showering?" I suggest and Harry nods rapidly.



Half way through the movie Mr. and Mrs. Irwin got home. I wasn't sure why they were home earlier than usual, but I didn't bother to ask why. They gave me my pay and I was about to head out when Mrs. Irwin called my name.

"Luke?" I turn my attention to her. "How are you getting home? I didn't see your car outside."

"I was gonna walk." I purse my lips. "My car is in the shop right now."

"Oh, I don't want you walking in the dark." She says. "Ashton will bring you home."

"Mom." Ashton groans. "I have stuff to do."

"And you can wait ten minutes to bring Luke home." His mom said strictly. "He's doing your job anyway, so the least you can do is drive him home."

He rolls his eyes are her before turning to me. "Let me get my keys." He disappears upstairs and returns a few minutes later with his shoes on his feet and his keys in his hand. "Alright, let's go."

The car ride to my house is silent except for me telling him which turns to take.

Now he knows where I live. Great. What if he breaks into my house and tries to kill me in my sleep? 

Shut up, Luke.

"Thanks." I mutter as I open the car door.

"No problem." He sighs as I climb out of the car. I shut the door and walk up to the porch where my mom just happened to be sitting, smoking a cigarette.

"I thought you quit." I say, glancing over at Ashton's car. He was looking down at his phone, typing viciously.

"I tried to quit." She corrected.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to bed."

"Who's that?" She ignores my statement and points to Ashton's car as it starts to pull away from the sidewalk.

"Harry's older brother." I mutter.

"Why doesn't he just watch the kid?" She scrunched up her nose and scoffed. "How stupid." 

"Can you stop being an asshole?" I groan. "Seriously." I open the front door and stomp inside, heading straight to my room, ready for a good night's sleep.


15+ votes; 10+ comments

june 2016

alright wtf why is harry so chirpy. this must've been a good point in my life because i would never make him so happy nowadays. 

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