7. Illusions Of Grandeur pt. 2

Start from the beginning

   Emily's face scrunched in frustration her eyes filled with sorrow as she let a quiet scoff escape her lips as she listened to the conversation thinking to herself, I've heard enough. She turned around heading back through the maze from where she came from, her gaze fixated on the ground. The words hurt her only making herself more upset as she was mad at herself for letting what he said affect her. Her mind racing with so many thoughts and questions as she wondered why she would allow an opinion of a nobody and someone she hated to affect her so much. It wasn't Thomas's who hurt her but the event of the past day finally caught up with her, toppling like dominos with the last push she could handle. The princess had wondered through the garden to the other side as she lost in her thoughts, fighting the tears that threatened to fall ever now an then. Emily looked up to see the statue of her mother and her standing in front of her starring at her with disappointment. She shook her head slightly as she turned her head away letting her gaze fall to the ground once more as she was overwhelmed by everything. A hand was gently placed on her shoulder making the princess jump turning her attention to the person that had been following her since she left the ballroom. The tears started to fall from Emily's eyes as she hugged her Aunt tightly, Farrah returned the hug as she brought them both to the ground. Farrah held the princess in her arms as she stroked her hair for a moment gently shushing her niece like a mother, as she tried to call Emily down enough to speak. As Emily's soft cries turned into muffled sniffles her aunt brought herself back from the hug looking at her with sympathetic eyes.

"Emily... What's wrong?" Farrah questioned tentatively as she wiped the tears away that still rolled down Emily's cheeks.

   Her niece took a deep shaky breath in as she tried to compose herself before letting the breath escape her lips. Emily felt a bit embarrassed to have been crying over everything that had happened but was glad her aunt found her rather then someone else. The princess went on to speak telling Farrah everything even what had happened with The Evil Queen, although she had been hesitant about telling her that part. She felt relived to have someone to speak, to tell them everything that had happened, someone that would understand unlike her mother. Farrah listened tentatively to everything her niece had to say, concern spreading over her face as she listened to Emily tell her about the Evil Queen. She knew her sister would have an absolute fit, one worse then her argument earlier with Emily before the ball once she found out what happened with the Evil Queen. But Farrah also knew Emily made a grave mistake with what she did at the village and she could only protect her for so long till that mistake caught up to her niece. She sat comforting the princess for several minutes till she had told her everything. Farrah tilted her head to the side looking at her niece tucking the lose hair in her face behind her ear as she wasn't sure what to say. The silence making Emily uneasy as she waited for a response hoping her aunt wouldn't be displeased like her mother would.

"I know I've made a mess of everything..." Emily mumbled as she looked down at her dress running her hands over the fabric worryingly 

Farrah sighed as she stood up fixing her dress as she was still thinking "Well.... with the evil queen you certainly have. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to help you." Her lips curled upwards into a smile as she help out a hand for her niece. "As for Thomas... We will take care of him."

Emily took Farrah hand as she helped her up a smile forming on her lips as she hugged her aunt once more "Thank you Aunt Farrah.." 

"Your welcome my dear. I will do everything I can to help." Farrah comforted as she returned the hug before stepping back "Now I must get back to the ball before Helena realizes I've been missing. Something you will also need to do soon."

   Emily nodded in response as she knew her aunt was right for if Helena found out she would lose her temper with them both. Watching Farrah quickly disappeared into the garden before she turned her attention towards a noise from the rustling of the hedges. Emily thought it might be other guest making their way through the maze so she brushed the idea of checking who it was off as she did not care to talk to anyone at the moment. The Princess wondered through the quiet garden lingering as it was peaceful and she was left to her own thoughts. She made her way towards one of the water fountain the wind began to blow gently making the garden come to life as the branches started to sway and rustle. Emily took her heels off caring them in her left hand as she let the cool grass comfort her while she walked barefoot into the fountains open area. There was a large decorated fountain that sat in the middle of the open area and four stone benches that on all sides sitting again the hedges. The princess made her way over to the fountain placing her right hand in the shimming water, creating small ripples as she moved her hand through the water. Finally she sat down on the edge of the base of the fountain listening to the water splash over the edges of each bowl into the next as looked, taking the tiara off of her head and placing it next to her as she peacefully sat there letting the gentle breeze sway through her hair while watching the glistening constellations in the night sky. But as she was watching the ball from the small opening in the hedges she didn't notice that someone was behind her till she heard a familiar voice shriek her name. Her head quickly snapped towards the voice to see her three friends heading towards her, confusion washing over her face as she stood up and didn't understand why they were outside.

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