
20 3 1

the effect this girl had on me

was amazing. she had a way

of letting me relax and leave

all my stress and heartache

behind me so that i could

move forward and just love.

and it was both terrifying

and freeing, all at once.


It seems that I've lost all but one reader. Maybe this story sucks and you're glad it's ending in two parts. Maybe you just got bored. Whatever it is, I get it. I'm not the biggest fan of this either.

I should be proud of itᅳit's my baby, after allᅳbut I only hold a small amount of pride for this charming little loser. Of course, poor writing does offer a lesson: you have to fail to appreciate success. I'll get better.

Anyway, if anyone at all reads this, thanks for any support you may have given me. Whether it was a follow and lots of votes, a comment here and there, or you gave one simple read because you just wanted to try DWO out. Whatever you did, it helped. So thanks. It really means a lot. :)


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