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Nabi was in the meeting room making sure the monitor and computer were linked up properly with the power point on it before the clients even made it to the building. There were a few models of the case on the table displayed propped up against a white cloth. She made sure to put her phone on silent placing it on her podium within view of anyone who looked her way but not in a distracting way. Fixing the display of the charts for the target groups she was going to be focusing on for the 100th time it seemed she heard someone step into the room closing the door she had kept open.

"At least you know the basics of presenting." It was him, of course it was who else would close the door. He was most likely did it so he could chastise her without anyone else hearing and stopping him. Such a great things about this room it was soundproof so everyone on the outside could continue to work without disturbing any of the clients. The glass walls would reveal what was inside but she had pulled the blinds across to disrupt any view from the outside.

"I was not the number one in my company in America for nothing." Nabi turned giving him an annoyed look.

"Then why did you leave only to become second best at most?" That was by far not the worst thing that could have come out of his mouth. It sounded almost genuinely curious.

"There were complications at the company that could not be easily fixed so instead of a temporary solution to the problem I made a permanent one. It was risky but I at least made sure I had a job before moving half way across the world."

"That is a major solution. Could it be why you don't use your real name? You can't fool me there is no way you are Korean. Even a 16th bit." He looked somewhat amused by her story.

"Your boss suggested it actually. Not the one over this particular building but over the entirety of this commercial conglomerate. Opps, maybe I shouldn't be name dropping. Someone might think I'm a threat if they knew I was hired from so high up." She looked straight into his eyes not feeling like putting up with his nonsense when she had preparations to make.

"Just don't fuck it up with my client. I don't have the time to clean up your mess. That's all I really came in here to tell you." He broke eye contact with her moving over to the door.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of MY client." She made an emphasis that she was the one handling the client. He paused at the door hand on the knob like he wanted to say more but just let out a deep sigh before heading back out into the main work area leaving the door wide open behind him.

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