"Won't he know we took it?" Alex laughed as he looked up at Phil with big eyes. Dan was a druggie too? God, phil didn't need a fuck up like Dan in his life.

"Nope because once we're doing it's being throw out and he isn't touching that stuff again, but honestly we both just need a break so, what do you say?" Phil asked innocently

"You're bad." He laughed and kissed him. "But we don't have anything to like smoke it out of? Do you really wanna use his pipe?"

"No way, god knows who or where he got it from, on the way back I'll head straight back but you could buy some ciggie filter and makers?" Phil suggested

"I'll see if I can get something." Alex chuckled as he nodded. He kissed Phil and grinned, "Lets go then."

Phil quickly got off of Alex and headed to the apartment, chucking the little amount of boxes Dan packed into the boot "got it." Phil said tapping his back pocket, gesturing to the weed he now had hold of

Alex chuckled and inspected the pipe Dan had with the weed. "You know, we could just clean this up and then use it." He said as he handed it to Phil.

"If you don't care I don't care." Phil smiled "I mean there's always something I've always wanted to try with weed." Phil suggested

"Let's go keep Dan's stuff at yours and we can go back to mine with the weed, yeah?" Alex smiled as he began driving.

"I'm so nervously excited, I'm just so happy I get to do this with you." BPhil smiled softly, placing his hand on Alex's thigh as they headed back to Phils apartment to go out Dans stuff back

They first stocked up Dan's stuff in his room and went to Phil's with the
Weed and Alex pulled out a little lighter, as Phil headed to the bathroom to quickly clean it as he headed back to Alex

"I hope you know what you're doing, I don't have a clue." Phil chuckled passing the bong over to Alex

"I've seen enough in high school." Alex chuckled and sat down as he took the pipe and filled the bowl with ground up weed. He placed it between his lips and lit it before inhaling. He let his finger off the little hole in front of the pipe and inhaled some more before pulling off and exhaling.

Phil watched, his eyes twinkling at the sight of Alex exhaling, letting drugs hit his system "fuck I'm nervous what if I choke." Phil asked nervously whilst Alex passed the pipe over to him

"You'll be okay, I have some water." Alex said as he coughed a little and drank some before setting it down and handing Phil the pipe.

Phil copied Alex's motions, coughing slightly at the smoke that he just inhaled "f-fuck." Phil said mid cough, laughing slightly

"Take it easy, tiger." Alex laughed and helped him drink some water before taking a hit himself.

"Do you have any idea how long it takes before it hits?" Phil asked, watching Alex's motions. His heart began racing looking at Alex, he'd never looked more attractive

"No idea. I don't feel it yet." Alex said as he let Phil take another hit. They kept taking hits, complaining they couldn't feel it until it slapped them in the face. Alex's heart slowed down, and his eyes felt relaxed and a little water. He smiled and laughed easily. Phil never looked cuter. He cuddled into his side and giggled as he let Phil take a hit, watching in wonder as smoke flew out of his lips.

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