Conversation 19

38 12 10


Mum found out I went to see you
Sent at 5:56pm

We fought
Sent at 5:56pm

Isn't it dumb? She doesn't want me to see you too much because apparently I'm becoming depressed? Seriously. It's so stupid
Sent at 5:57pm

I suppose the only logical reason for me going out just like that would be that we're not living in a very safe place
Sent at 5:57pm

I'm so confused
Sent at 5:57pm

Y'all go follow this account on Instagram: art

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Y'all go follow this account on Instagram: art.journalling

you may be annoyed because I'm promoting an account but seriously just check her posts out, you won't be disappointed

Here's an example of the kind of pictures she posts

Here's an example of the kind of pictures she posts

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The external link is here → (in the comments) so you can just copy and paste the URL into google and it'll take you into Instagram

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The external link is here → (in the comments) so you can just copy and paste the URL into google and it'll take you into Instagram

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