Rainy day

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<~ Your p.o.v ~> (Y/n)= your name
Link and I were walking through some woods and I was enjoying the scenery. Link was a man of few words and never said anything unless something needed to be said. So during our journey I was used to the silence and just keeping to my own. Of course I would always try and make a conversation even if I would only get a one or few words response. "So Link do you think the forest is pretty?" I mentally face palmed because of how basic this conversation was. I never really knew what to talk about with him because he never talked. " Yeah it's pretty." I just nodded and proceeded to look forward. After a minute of walking I heard some rustling in some near by bushes. I came to a stop which caused Link to stop. After squinting my eyes I could see a bokoblin and I pulled out my bow. I took a single arrow from my quiver and pulled back. I aimed and hit the monster square in the face causing it to die and fade into a black and purple mist.

"Yes one hit!" I put my weapon away and walked over and picked up the bokoblin parts. Link came behind me and I looked at him with a smile on my face. He nodded his head and told me good job before walking along. I only sighed and followed him. After about 30 minutes of walking I heard a loud crack. I stopped and looked up and almost like magic dark clouds filled the sky. I looked around trying to find shelter before it started to rain. "Hey (Y/n) over here." I looked into Link's direction and saw a small cave. I nodded my head and we started making our way into the small cave. Not a minute later the rain started and it was pouring hard. Link was busy trying to set up a fire and I was just watching from afar. I started to shiver just a little so I started to rub my arms. Link must have noticed because he pulled out my warm doublet from his bag. He walked over to me and handed it to me. "Here you look cold." I nodded and said thank you and put it on.

Even if Link didn't talk much he cared a lot. After a minute Link got the fire started and we sat down next to each other. We just sat there watching the rain and enjoying the sound of it hitting the trees. I looked at Link and noticed he was looking at me. He turned away without saying a thing. I kept noticing Link would glance at me and when I looked at him he would turn away. This went on for awhile before I finally spoke up. "Link if you have something to say you know you can tell me." He only nodded and kept quiet. After a minute Link finally sighed . I faced him and tilted my head as a sign that I was waiting for him to speak. He hesitated before speaking, "do you think I need to talk more?" I was confused at first. "What do you mean you need to talk more?" "You're fine just the way you are."

He sighed before looking at me. "I just feel bad because you try and make conversations and I feel like I don't talk as much as you want me to." I was surprised by this because this is the first time Link has opened up to me. I smiled softly and I noticed the pink hue covering Link's cheeks. "Link if you don't want to talk much you don't have to, I was just trying to make things a little less awkward." I scratched the back of my neck and gave off a closed eye's smile, "but I guess I might have made things a little more awkward." I opened my eye's and Link was quickly shaking his head no. "What no you didn't make things awkward." He looked away and the pink color found it's way to the tips of his ears.

"I actually like the fact that you want to talk to me." I actually laughed out loud and Link's face grew even more pink. "(Y/n) what's so funny!?" I calmed down and looked Link straight in the eye's. "Of course I would like to talk to you, who wouldn't?" I extended my hand and placed it on Link's shoulder. "I love traveling with you and I love talking to you when you talk to me." Link looked away and had uncertainty written on his face. I sighed, "do I have to prove that I like talking with you?" Link looked back at me, "no you don't have to prove yourself". He still had an uncertain look on his face and I sighed again. The truth is I really like him so I want him to know that I enjoy talking with him.

I mean who wouldn't be attracted to him? He's freaking hot! I looked at him not saying a thing. I could tell the nervousness grow on Link's face. I quickly leaned in and pecked Link's lips. I closed my eyes before speaking rather quickly. "
"I really, really like you and love talking with you, and if what I just did doesn't prove to you that I'm telling the truth then I don't know what will!" I opened my eye's and Link's face was fully red, and he looked surprised. I closed my eyes before speaking, "I'm so sorry I did that." I waited for a response but I never got one. Instead I got a warm sensation on my lips. I opened my eyes as Link pulled away. He gave me a genuine smile and spoke softly. "I like you too (Y/n)." I tried so hard not to squeal over how cute his smile was. This was the first time I have ever seen Link smile genuinely other than when he was cooking and he made a really good dish. He came closer to me and embraced me. "So are we a thing now?" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him. "Yes we are now a thing." I'm not completely sure if I'm correct but i think I heard Link sigh in relief before he pulled away.

"Come on (Y/n) it's getting late and we should get some rest." I nodded my head and Link and I spent the rest of the night snuggling by the fire.

Okay first one shot in the story. I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry if it's really long.

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