Chapter 2

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"Ugh!" I exclaim, stomping over to my bed.

"Umm, who was that?" Jason asked sounding nervous, which was actually in his best interest because one wrong word would set me off right now.

"Oh that? That was just my brother's exceptionally imbecilic best friends."

"No way! Are those THE twins!? Like, the ones from the Dean family?! You didn't tell me the were so good looking!" Travis exclaimed. I nodded slowly while he was talking.

"Dude, what?" Charlie questioned Travis while Jason gave him a concerned look.
"I mean I don't like them or anything but hey, they were some nice looking guys, you can't deny that much." Travis said trying to rationalize with the guys and save his pride.

I zone out of their conversation, not really caring. The Deans are my family's closest friends. They've been around my entire life. For as long as I can remember my brothers were basically inseparable from Jeremy, Sebastian, and their older brother, Sam.

Our parents became really good friends in collage and I guess their friendship moved on to the next generation, because our families were more like one big (usually happy) family. Sam, Jeremy, and Sebastian went through all the brother stages along with my actual brothers. The "Ew! She has cooties!" Then the "I'm too cool for my little sister." And finally the ever annoying "I have to defend my sisters honor and be a big headed idiot if any guy even looks at her." I guess these two have finally reached the last stage of stupidity.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean have four boys. Sam, who is a senior in high school like my older brother and sister (Zane and Cassidy.) Jeremy and Sebastian are juniors like me; how they are here instead of in school is unknown. Then there is little Jacky. To be honest he is probably my favorite of the dean boys...I'm actually not sure why because he is just as silly and stubborn as the rest. Maybe it's because we are both the youngest in our families.

Yep, that's right, I'm the baby of four. My eldest brother, Matthew, graduated high school last year and is studying in college and Cassidy and Zane, the ones mentioned earlier, are twins that are two years older than me. My whole family is pretty great but I've always been closest to Cassidy. I think she's the only person from home I've really the kept in contact with, besides weekly texts with my mom.

"Eve..... Evie.....EVANGELINE!" My head snaps up at the sound of Charlie's voice.

"Jeez, we need to have a bullhorn to get your attention. Now, what are they doing here?" Charlie continues.

"I don't know why they're here!" I exclaim, laying flat out on my bed.

"That's the scary part." I mumble.

"Seriously Evie, go talk to them. I mean if you don't want to go alone, we could go with you." Travis said

Charlie agreed saying "yeah, we got your back girl!" In order to prove he could be good back up, Charlie puffed up his chest and threw some fake punches like he was about to protect me from an vicious attacker instead of some moody teenage boys... Then again they are kind of the same thing.

Ignoring Charlie's valiant effort to beat up the air I said, "I'm not going to talk to them! Despite what you guys may think, I don't enjoy being called names and accused of things! Anyway it would just be awkward." I moan, putting a pillow over my face.

"Actually, I think he's right. You need to talk to them, and we will all go with you. But first you need to change." Jason said while reaching out a hand to help me up. I groaned some more but then took his helping hand.

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