"Yeah, sure." Dan shrugged. "It's grown way too long. I haven't left the hospital in ages." He blushed and took the hair tie around his wrist to tie his fringe up in a little ponytail.

"You look like a unicorn I love it." Phil said bursting into laughter, quickly grabbing his phone and snapping a picture of Dan before he could protest

"Unfair!" Dan blushed hard, his pony flopped forward onto his face as he smiled softly looking downwards

"That's so going on Twitter tonight Danny." Phil said with a grin "I love you really." Phil said blowing a fake kiss towards Dan

"At least take a cuter picture if you're gonna post it." Dan only pouted.

"You always look adorable Dan I wouldn't worry about that." Phil said without thinking, "anyway I'm going to bring Alex in, I feel bad on him being out there." Phil said as he stood up to the door, poking his head out "Alex, you can come in you know." Phil said with a light laugh, his cheeks tinted pink as he thought of the compliment he gave dan

Alex walked in with a smile and made small talk with dan. How he was feeling and such. Phil left to use the restroom and left them alone. Dan felt comfortable and targeted.

Phil headed outside of the room, fairly satisfied that Dan was going to be out of hospital and back into the apartment like the old times, with Alex and Dan in his life Phil felt happy

Dan looked up at Alex uneasily. Alex was glaring at him like dan was some kind of cockroach.

"So Dan, I see how close you and Phil are." Alex said looking Dan up and down, jealously overriding his mind

"We're good friends." Dan tried to smile but he kept his eyes down. Alex looker scary. Dan felt small.

"Well you're going to have to pipe down because otherwise I will make you regret that you ever tried to make any moves with my boyfriend." Alex said, emphasising the word boyfriend cocking his eyebrow wit a slick smirk

"B-boyfriend?" The colours left Dan's face as his eyes blurred. He felt like his heart had sank.

"Yes Dan, boyfriend." Alex said smugly "I'm sure that won't be of any of your concern obviously if you just see him as a 'good friend'" Alex said sarcastically "Phil is mine, and I will not have a problem with you until you start to interfere with our relationship, understood?" Alex said sharply

"U-Understood." Dan whimpered and looked down. He felt scared. Did Alex know Dan was moving in back with Phil? He picked up the flowers Phil had gotten and held them close because he felt safet with them

"Awh you like those flowers do you? Do you want to know why Phil bought you those." Alex said, a smirk rising on his lips again

"Why?" Dan asked in a small and shaky voice. He sounded scared and genuinely like he was scared of the answer.

"They're guilt flowers because for ones he forgot you existed yesterday because he spent it with me." Alex said with a grin "for once he had a smile on his face because he wasn't worrying about you."

"He did forget. He wasn't sick." Dan mumbled and looked down at the flowers. He felt sick to his stomach. He felt horrible. Maybe he shouldn't move in with Phil. He was bad for him.

Phil waltzed back into the room with a happy smile, Alex's head whipping up when he saw himC standing up and heading over to kiss Phil, Phil pulled away uncomfortably confused to why Alex did that "i take it you told him?"

"I did." Alex said. "I'm really happy for you, phil." Dan smiled up at Phil immediately although it physically pained him.

Phil noticed Dans awkward grimace and Phil flicked his eyes to look at Alex, "Alex, can I talk to you outside please." Phil said softly "I won't be two minutes Dan."

Alex shrugged and nodded as he walked outside. Dan lay down in bed and he felt tears brimming in his eyes.

"Why did you tell Dan when I wasn't there? I mean I love you but I don't see why you told my best friend we were together without even thinking about having me there, it's big news for me." Phil said a little hurt by Alex's actions

"I'm sorry, I couldn't keep it in. It slipped out while I was talking and he asked and I ended up telling him." He looked down sheepishly.

"Please dont next time Alex." Phil said with a heavy sigh "I wasn't going to tell him until he was settled when he moves back into my place."

"I'm sorry, I didnt know." Alex blushed and looked down like he was genuinely extremely sorry

"It's okay, sorry I sound angry, I'm not it's just a big deal for me." Phil sighed softly "c'mere." Phil said opening his arms for a hug

Alex moved forward and hugged him tightly. "I really am sorry, yknow." He mumbled. "How can I make it up to you?"

"You don't need to make it up to me Alex." Phil laughed lightly "c'mon let's head back in." Phil said he pecked Alex on the lips and began to head into Dans room

Dan was curled up on his side. When he heard the door open, his quickly wiped his tears and pretended to be in pain which wasn't too hard.

"We're back, sorry I didn't get to tell you but yeah Alex and I are official." Phil smiled as he headed over to Dans bedside "but anyway enough of us, it should be by tomorrow if you're good overnight you can come home." Phil said softly, trying to ignore the obvious puffiness and redness in dans eyes

"Are you sure you want me to move in?" Dan asked as he looked up at Phil and eyes at Alex.

"Dan I've never been so sure on anything else in my life." Phil said softly, reaching for Dan's hand

"If you day so." Dan bit his lip and looked down. He let Phil hold his hand. He was really scared of Alex.

"I love you and we-" Phil said, gesturing to Alex and himself "will get you up and running again." Phil smiled as he ran his thumb over the top of Dans slightly rough hands

"Okay." Dan sighed and nodded. The next couple of hours, Dan avoided Alex and cherished his time with Phil but his heart had sunk and not gotten back up. Phil was with Alex. It hurt but he truly was happy for him. The nurse helped him walk around but he still needed a wheelchair.

"Hi Mr.Howell." The nurse said entering the room, noticing how empty the room had gotten after visiting hours stopped

"Hi." Dan mumbled as he sat up a little. It didn't hurt as much anymore as he was healing up.

"I've confirmed with the doctor and he's happy to discharge you for tonight, you should come back every two days for regular check ups and you will be given a wheelchair for any distance walking which we do not advice. In summary, you're free to go tomorrow morning." She said with a grin on her face

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