Chapter Two: New Neighbors

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  • Dedicated to Jaicee Dalton

The rest of the day went on as usual, a snide remark here and a snicker there. I just did what I always do, ignore them and silently murder them in my head. When the final bell rang I was out the classroom door and to my locker in 30 seconds flat. I stuffed my books in my bag and threw it over my shoulder. 

"Hey! Ariel !" Flo called down the hall.

"Hey Flo," I called.

"Hey Sebrina!" I yelled as she showed up beside Flo.

"Can we come over?" Sebrina asked, bounding up beside me.

"I don't see why not." I shrugged, "Come on." 

We pushed through the doors and started the long walk to my house.

"Hey dad." I kissed his cheek as we walked through the living room. I through my bag on the floor by the door and bounded upstairs, Sebrina and Flo following close behind. We all pulled on our swimsuits, mine being purple and blue, Sebrina's red, and Flo's yellow and blue. 

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We quickly ran downstairs, launching into the water. I dipped under, then came up, pulling my hair out of it's ponytail. I smiled as Flo splashed me and I splashed her back.  We soon started a huge splash fight until Flo jumped on my back.

"Flo? What the heck?" I laughed.

"Shhhhh! Look." Flo laughed pointing over my shoulder.

I looked over to where she was pointing. My eyes widened, because in the house next door people were carrying boxes in...but that house hasn't been lived in for years. I mean for one nobody in our town would even be able to afford that house, and second it was huge but it was kinda worn down. Our little cottage simply used to just be servant quarters for that house.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked ducking behind a rock to peak at the house.

"I don't know, but I think you should just leave it alone." Sebrina said trying to pull me away.

"Come on Sebrina, it's been years since since anybodys lived anywhere near here. You can't blame a girl for being curious." I said still staring at the house.

"Look,that guy...I think he's our age." Flo said bouncing on my back.

I looked over to see a guy with dark hair lugging a cardboard box out of a trailer. "I don't think I've ever seen him around here before..."

"Guys just leave it alone." Sebrina said giving me another tug.

I tumbled backwards, Flo and I falling into the water with girly screams.

Eric's Point of View

I was in the middle of carrying a box into the new house when I heard screams come from the water.

"What the heck was that?" I asked as my head snapped toward the noise.

"I'm sure it was just the neighbors Eric." My grandmother said as she patted my shoulder.

I nodded,"I'm gonna go make sure everything is okay."

I set the box down and walked over through the rocky sand.

Ariel's Point of View

"Guys! He's coming over here!" Sebrina whispered harshly.

I tugged Flo and Sebrina behind the bolder. "Be quiet and keep your head down." 

To be honest I didn't know why we were hidding from this guy...I guess he just seemed foreign to us, after all ever since I was a child this has always been my beach. The only people besides family who have been here since I was born was Flo, Sebrina, and Sarah of course we called her Scuttle though.

But I haven't seen Sarah in a while and now with this guy we just weren't sure what to do.

" anyone out there? Are you alright?" The boy called from shore.

The girls looked at me paniked.

"Uh yeah, every things fine." I called back instinctively earning me a wack on the arms from Sebrina and Flo.

"Uhm...if you don't mind me by asking...where are you, exactly?" The boy called again.

Flo pushed me and I shot her a glare as I hoisted myself up on to the large rock we'd been hiding behind. I gave a small wave and the boy simply stared at me, my cheeks turning red at the embarassing silence.


Pic to the side is of Sebrina and yes I changed Sebastian to Sebrina.



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