Chapter One: I try

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

 My phone alarm when off, muffled slightly by my pillow. I winced and quickly switched it off, praying dad dad hadn't heard the alarm. In a quick movement I flung the blanket off of myself, hoping out of bed and quickly running into the bathroom. With in a few minutes I was sneaking down the stairs in my new purple swim suit with my dark red hair up in a curly ponytail. Cautiously I slipped out the front door and ran out into the stll dark morning, diving into the water. I let out and audiable sigh and smiled as I continued to dive below the water, watching the little fish swimming around.

Almost two hours later, I was sitting on a large rock watching the sun rise above the beach. I smiled and tucked my legs into my chest, hugging them to myself. 

"Ariel ?!" My head snapped to face the shore, where my dad stood with his arms across his chest while he shook his head.

"Coming Dad!" I yelled and dove into the refreshing water, swimming my way back to the shore. I walked up onto the sandy beach were my dad still stood giving me a look.

"What?" I said innocently as I squeezed the water out of my hair.

"Ariel, you know good and well what." He said sternly.

"Dad..." I whinned.

"Don't whine Ariel, you know what I think about you coming out so early. One of these days something is going to happen and nobody will be here to help. You know why?" He asked, anger lacing his voice.

"Because everyone else is asleep at 4 in the morning." I said in a mocking tone, rolling my eyes in the process.


"Dad I'm fine, am I not? I've never had any kinda accident and I'm never going to. I love you, but I'm gonna go get ready for another awful day of school." I said kissing him on the cheek and running up to the house.

I quickly washed my hair before returning it to a ponytail, I then slipped on a beach tee and jean shorts. After slidding on my anklet and some sandels I put on some mascara and grabbed my bag before walking downstairs.

"By Dad!" I called as I walked out the door.

When I arrived at school I did the one thing I always do...avoid everyone.  I got to my locker stuffing my backpack inside.

"Hey Ariel." Sebrina one of my only two friends in this crappy school. And yes that only makes things worse, but what can we do.

"How was the morning swim?" Flo asked, my second friend of the two.

"Amazing." I breathed, leaning against the lockers with a smile on my face.

"Seems like you enjoyed it." Sebrina smiled punching my arm.

"Watching the sun rise up over the's - it's indescribable. There's nothing else like it." I said as hugged my english book against me. 

Flo and Sebrina both smiled shaking their heads, right then the bell rang, "Well I guess I'll see you guys as lunch." 

With that I turned and headed off to english class. I took my seat in the back corner and quickly tuned out.

"Ariel...Ariel !" 

"Huh?! What?" I stammered as my head came back to reality.

"Can you answer the question?" Mr. T asked, annoyed.

"Uhm...could you repeat the question?" I asked, my cheeks flushing as red as my hair.

"How can you correct this sentece?" He asked tapping the board.

I looked up at the board reading the sentence.

The waves crashed agianst the shore the morning sun hitting the water at a perfect angle.

"Against is spelled wrong, and you need a comma between shore and the." I said, staring at my desk.

"Correct, now we would all like it very much if you stay here mentally as well as physically. Thank you." He said before continuing on with class.

When the bell rang I was more than happy to get out of there. I raced out the door and on to my next class.

When lunch came around, I met Sebrina and Flo at our little table. Everyone else was buzzing past us, kids snickering as they passed us. 

"Ignore them." Flo would always whisper to me.

"Trust me, I try." I said picking at my food.


Hey guys thanks for reading so far, the picture to the side is of Flo and click this link to see ariels outfit



Ariel (Book One of the "Not Your Average Fairy Tale" Series)Where stories live. Discover now