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A/n: sorry about the length of the last chapter I'm gonna make this one a lot longer. Hope y'all love it, or at least lien it.
Two months later
"Ugh I thought getting a new English teacher would be a good thing, this guy is worse than Mr. Nesbit" I whine to y/f/n
"I know, but why are you complaining I got a D-"
"I got a C- and he's notes on it were mean, I spent like a day and a half working on this too" I pout
"Awe poor you" She laughs
The past two months have been dreadful in English , I'm doing great in all of my classes except for that one. Mr. Gilinksy is such a hard ass, he assigns way to much homework, he's a really tough grader, and I'm pretty sure I'm his least favorite student. He constantly yells at me and writes aggressive things on my paper. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this either, I'm always really nice to him. Y/f/n and I gather our stuff up as everyone else fled the classroom.
"Hey do you hang out tonight since it's Friday, I was thinking movie marathon all weekend" She suggests
"Sounds absolutely fantastic, here hold on I'll be right out I just wanna ask the teacher a question"
I walk over to the teachers desk as she walks out the door and wait for him to acknowledge me standing there,
"Hey Mr. Gilinksy, I wanted to ask you a question about my grade on this writing assignment" I say politely
"Okay then ask" he said harshly
"Okay.. anyway I got a C- on this paper and I don't understand why"
"Did you not read the notes? Cause I know that I wrote what you did wrong on it" he answers in a snappy tone.
"Well yeah read the notes but I worked really hard on this and the notes you wrote were not great, like this one just says 'don't like the concept' what does that even mean?"
"I don't care that you worked really hard on this, it was not a good story and it was poorly written" God this guy is getting on my last nerve "the plot of the story made no sense whatsoever, why is the girl completely oblivious to the guy until he starts being an ass to her, the wording was terrible and honestly I should have given you a lower grade"
"Ya know what it's fine, I was planning on talking to my counselor about switching out of this class anyway" I say turning around to leave
"Why do you plan on leaving my class?" He asks in a more of annoyed way than a actual question
"I don't like have a class with a teacher who absolutely hates me, it's bringing down my gpa" I say turning back around to face him.
"Why in the world do you think I hate you?" He has almost a slight hint of kindness in his voice but it was masks by curiosity
"Why wouldn't I?! You treat me terribly! I'm one of the only people in your class who actually pays attention and tries and what do you do? You fail me. And if you say you don't hate me than you just must hate being a teacher, your just such a hard ass." I knew I probably shouldn't have blown up on him, it's just he pisses me off. He stands up and slams his hand in his desk lightly
"First of all I don't hate you okay? I don't. "God sometimes I think your blind," he says rolling his eyes "I do think of you different than my other students but not in a bad way y/n, of course I'm gonna treat you differently, you're beautiful and smart. I mean for god sakes you my favorite student you notice me being a tough grader but it's only because I don't want you to get special treatment and for that I am sorry, I'll try to be easier on everyone" he takes a deep breath
" I don't understand" I laugh a little "what does me being beautiful have to do with my grade?"
"You make my every waking moment hell"
"Gee thanks"
"Not the way you think" he mumbles
"You've really never noticed me staring at you  when you weren't looking? The way I smile when you get a question right or look at me? I barley even know you and sometimes I think I'm in love with you" I didn't know how to respond to that, I was shocked "that's what it has to do with this y/n, I don't want people to think that just because you're probably the most stunning person to ever walk into this classroom that you get an A"
"No, I-um I-I have to get home I'm sorry for wasting you time" I run out of the room before he could even respond.
A/n: sorry it this chapter was super short, hope you like it. I'll try and make the other chapters longer.

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