Cas pursed his lips, rolling them nervously as shot a fleeting glance up towards Gabriel. "So, in our current situation," Cas began haltingly, "A few streams of genetic information were disrupted and unable to return to the proper body. Then, those particles had no other choice than to with the DNA of the new host. Most of the time, the host's body rejects the foreign genetic information, and when that happens, the results are fatal."

"What does that even mean, Cas?" Dean asked. He pinched the bridge of his nose to try and stave off a headache he could feel starting behind his eyes. "Should I be dead right now?"

Castiel's jaw twitched, but he rubbed a soothing hand along Dean's back. "Technically, yes." Cas was blunt and to the point, no more bullshit half-truths. "Some of my DNA is now infused with yours and vice versa."

"So," Gabriel interjected, "It seems like whatever piece Castiel left behind, contained a strong dose of his angel mojo. In all honesty, you should have burned up the moment that the bond between you broke. But somehow your body accepted it and now some of Castiel's grace lives inside you. Then, when those girls tried to cast their spell, your hunter instincts kicked in, triggering that mojo, then boom, burn witch burn."

"Fucking hell," Dean swore. It felt like someone had just knocked the breath out of him, he was being blindsided at every turn. Just when he thought things in his life couldn't get any crazier, he found himself proven wrong once again.

"But how is his body able contain that much grace all at once," Sam asked in bewilderment. He looked just as shocked as Dean was feeling. At least he wasn't the only one who hadn't got the memo about this little side effect.

Cas pursed his lips, considering Sam's question for a moment answering. "There could be a thousand possible answers to that question," Cas told them truthfully. "I am not entirely sure how Dean is still alive and breathing. If you want my honest opinion though, I believe that it is because of your family bloodline. Dean was designed to contain the strength of the Archangel Michael, so already his body was designed to be stronger and far more resilient than most of the population, as is your Sam."

Dean tried not to squirm, but he felt like he had become some type of mystifying science experiment. Personally, Dean would rather not look a gift horse in the mouth. It was great that they were still alive and kicking, but the idea that he and Sam had been created for the sole purpose of becoming angel condoms in an apocalyptic brother vs. brother brawl still made Dean's skin crawl. Dean could do just fine without all the microscopic analyzation.

"So I basically have my own angelic powers now?" Dean asked.

"In essence, yes," Castiel confirmed with a nod. "You are not as powerful as a full-blown angel, but you certainly have enough grace to do some damage, obviously." Castiel gestured toward the aftermath of the room around them for emphasis.

"Huh." Dean clicked his tongue, deep in thought as he took in the sheer level of destruction he'd caused. "Well, fuck." He was overwhelmed with a mixture of awe as everything began to sink in.

"It's alright Dean," Cas supplied hurriedly. "This isn't something that you should be worried about."

"Worried about?" Dean looked up, eyes sparkling with a wicked glint of excitement as he said, "Man, I ain't worried about this. This is fucking awesome!"

"So you're not going to freak out?" Cas asked cautiously. Apparently, Cas thought Dean's silent contemplation was horror rather than utter shock and excitement.

"Hell no," Dean exclaimed, a broad grin splitting across his face. Angel powers opened up a whole new spectrum of possibilities for Dean. All those things lurking around in the dark better watch their backs.

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