Chapter 11

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Niall’s POV

“Mate you are abso-fucking-lutely stupid,” Louis emphasized, eyes gawking straight at me, as he hastily threw back the large mug of black tea, and instantly grimaced after gulping it down “Bloody hell Harry, stop changing the sugar bowl to salt!” he moaned as his cheeks suddenly became flushed and his eyes sparkled with ferocity which resulted him into promptly stomping his foot.  

“Ah, never gets old,” Harry snickered as he fell back on to the sofa and swung his arms behind his head in satisfaction. Louis rolled his eyes in annoyance and padded over to the fridge and pulled out an apple juice carton and tiptoed over to Harry and playfully hit him across the head, making him jump and instantly begin to clutch the back of his head. “WHAT THE HELL?” He yelled back at him as Louis swigged back the carton of apple juice.

My eyes followed over to Harry’s and I watched as a mischievous grin began to slowly creep up upon his face. I puffed out a sigh knowing what was going to happen, and without hesitation Harry tossed a cushion straight at Louis causing him to hysterically choke on the juice, resulting to Liam swirling around to see what disrupted him.

“Guys, stop messing about, we have sound check in less than half an hour, how about doing something useful with your selves and go and get ready, so I can be left in peace to choose the lineup for tonight’s songs,” He shouted, as a blast of frustration followed through his voice.

There was an awkward pause as his sharp displeased eyes scammed the room, until he eventually blew out an aggravated sigh, “And where the hell is Zayn?” He questioned.

“Probably out with his girlfriend being all lovey dovey and shit,” Harry assumed as he began to munch on a packet of stale Doritos, left on the coffee table from god knows how long ago.

Strait away I began to feel the blood boiling within my veins, and attempted to guzzle down the large lump rising in the middle of my throat, and tried to keep my cool.

Liam began to massage his temples; obviously now reaching the max of his anger, “I told him to be here at 5:30, why is that so bloody hard,” he spat out, and started to inhale deep breaths.

“Liam, just chill, I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Louis stated, placing the carton back into the fridge. I suddenly blurted out the first thing that came springing to mind “I hope he doesn’t bring her back here,” I said underneath my breath, mentally punching myself for saying it, but continued to pretend to be doing something on my laptop and prayed that no one heard what I had just said.

“Back to that subject, still think you’re an idiot mate, what made you think you could just casually turn up at Zayn’s house with bloody flowers and chocolate,” Louis uttered as he continued raiding the fridge for any traces of food. I shrugged in disbelief, as my eyebrows began to knit closer into each other.

 I heard silent giggles coming from harry, “Oh yeah, I forgot Tabi was once yours, oh my god, imagine if Zayn had answered the door, how awkward would that of been,” he hooted, when catching my eye, realizing it wasn’t at all a laughing matter, “Sorry lad…” he said attempting to sound apologetic.

“Ignore the retard Niall, but you know…what did you do afterwards?” Louis asked, as he pulled out a pot of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough and searched the draws for a clean spoon.

“There wasn’t really much I could do, apart from forget about it and move on,” I admitted, hoping they wouldn’t realise that moving on from Tabi, was beyond difficult. Especially, now we were on tour and Zayn would most likely be taking her everywhere with him, meaning she would be around me all the time.

Plus, I know she needs help right now, even though I still hadn’t got my head around it, in fact it’s still hard for me to believe, which is why I just sort of ran away, which now looking back on I probably shouldn’t of done.

“So, what, you just left?” He asked once more, then scooping out the ice cream into what looked like a dirty bowl. I nodded as the corners of my mouth fell downwards vaguely, “Why? Sorry if this is still a sore subject mate,”

My jaw tensed, realising I couldn’t say anything. I don’t think I’d even be able to get the words out until our conversation was rudely interrupted by a gentle tap coming from outside of the door.

“That better be Zayn, or I swear I just might kill someone,” Liam angrily whispered as he rose from the table and dashed towards the door and glanced through the tiny hole in it to see who it was; “Finally,” he swung it open, “Where the flip have you been?” he screamed as he quickly glanced down to his watch, “You’re an hour late,” he shouted once more, then he saw Tabi in the corner of his eye, with Zayn’s arm wrapped around her slender waist.

I tried to avoid eye contact with her, but no matter what I still sensed the aura between us both, and I could tell she could as well, and it was almost definitely not a good aura.

Liam puffed out a sigh that clearly stated that he’d had enough, and pushed Zayn aside to the corner of the room.

“Why did you bring her?” he hissed.

“She said she like to come and watch,”

“Yeah in the audience, where everyone else watches,”

“She’s my girlfriend, and I am a part of the band,”

“That’s not what I mean,” I saw Liam glance over to me.

“I didn’t think it would matter anymore,”

“If you want to keep her as your girlfriend I would suggest you keep her away from Niall, and maybe consider other people’s feelings next time,” then he quickly moved Zayn back to Tabi, and then stared back down to his watch.

“Alright guys, sound check in five minutes, let’s start heading over there,” Liam cried out, we all responded by nodding and eventually collected our things and left.

I gazed as Zayn and Tabi were strolling over not far in front of me, his arm was around her shoulders and her fingers were intertwined with the hand that hung down, I rolled my eyes as they began to giggle at the private jokes. He then whispered something into her ear and planted his lips onto hers.

 “Just gotta go back and get something from the dressing room lads, I’ll meet you there,”

“You better be quick,” Liam replied without hesitation.

Louis, Harry and Liam were way ahead, and it seemed like they were pretty eager to leave Tabi and I alone, I puffed out a long sigh, making it clear I was pissed off, leaving a long silence, completely filled with utter awkwardness.

“You won’t tell anyone will you?” She  eventually asked, her eyes still not meeting mine.

“No one apart from anyone who deserves to know,” I answered back, as I watched her cheeks turn into a bright red and she finally turned to face me.

“You can’t tell Zayn,” She emphasised, as strands of curls fell helplessly onto her face as we continued to power walk.

“I can tell who I like,” I said, attempting to make it clear that I did not want to be talking to her right now.

“This isn’t something that’s yours to tell,”

“It is if it involves one of my closest mates,” I shot back at ther.

“You don’t understand,” she began, "I'm literally so scared, Niall," her eyebrows slowly furrowed.

“Oh I do, Tabitha,” I began, “You need to tell Zayn,”

She rolled her eyes, as if she knew I wouldn’t retaliate and do anything.

“Or what?” she questioned with sarcasm springing through her tone.

“Or I’ll just have to tell him myself,”

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